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Dean is lying on the ground, he starts to stir as a damp, cool breeze fills his nostrils. He wants to open his eyes, but is finding difficulty in doing so.

"Wake up." Castiel says sternly, eyes wide as he looks around in fear. "Dean!" He shakes the man below him.

Dean finally opens his heavy eyes and sits up, looking at the angel in confusion. His vision was slightly blurred, and his head pounded with pressure. He must've had a concussion.

"Good. We need to get out of here." Castiel pulls the hunter to his feet

Dean's eyes slowly pan around the ashen landscape around them. "Where are we?"

"You don't know?" Cas' fear filled eyes stare right through Dean. Now he was starting to worry.

"Last I remember, we ganked Dick."

"And where would he go in death?" The angel barked in reply, turning his back to the hunter as he starts walking away.

Dean paused, before catching up to his friend. He grabbed the angel by his shoulder and turned him so they were facing one another. "Wait. Are you telling me...?"

"Every soul here is a monster," Cas paused mid sentence as a loud rustle went through the trees. "-this is where they come to prey upon each other for all eternity."

Dean's mouth fell open in astonishment. 'There's no way'. He thought to himself.

"We're in Purgatory? How do we get out?"

"I'm afraid we're much more likely to be ripped to shreds." Cas backs away from Dean, throwing the Winchester's hand off of his shoulder.

Out of the corner of his eye something in the bushes had moved, and Dean turns to see two large creatures with red eyes watching him.

"Cas, I think we better-" he turns to face... no one. Cas had vanished.


"Cas?" He calls out, looking around the dark and desolate forest. The rustling of the watching monsters became closer and closer. He hears a deep growl down to his left.

Dean starts running as fast as his feet will carry him. Whatever was behind him was right on his tail, he could hear the crunching leaves behind him, and felt the earth beneath his feet vibrate under the beast's weight. He yells loudly one last time.


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