Thelma and Louise

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Benny and Dean had been traveling together for about a week, maybe a little longer, and thus far, their partnership seemed to be getting along without a hitch. Neither of the men slept the first couple nights, as they were both weary and untrusting of one another. After coming to an agreement, however, they slept in shifts. Kind of like a 'I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine' kind of deal. If either wanted a few good hours of sleep, the other person had to be alive to keep watch.

Benny had informed Dean that his humanity is what attracted so many creatures to them, and if that was the case, then Dean was damn thankful to not be alone in the hunt any longer. It seemed probable that the company would only become worse instead of better, and he would rather have an ally in this fight.

The vampire was a good tracker. After fifty years of being stuck here, he had to be in order to survive. He knew what was or was not typical Purgatory behavior. It wasn't but a couple days of following the vampire's lead that they came across the body of a wendigo, eyes burned out of its skull.

"This from your birdie friend?" Benny asks, kneeling down by the carcass. He curls his lip in disgust.

"Y-yes! He's alive! Holy hell, man." Dean stammered out with excitement. "He's fucking alive." He tilts his head back, a relieved smile plastered across his face.

"This body ain't more than a week old, Chief. We're getting closer and closer everyday." Benny stands to face Dean, who grins with excitement.

There was finally hope.

"Well, let's go Twilight. We've got an angel to catch up to." He pats Benny's shoulder as he passes.

Benny realizes this is the first time the hunter has willingly laid hands on him. He must be doing something right. He was finally gaining his trust. That kid wasn't so bad after all.

- - - - - - - -

Purgatory is fairly quiet as a rule of thumb, but not Benny.

Benny was always making noise of some sort. Talking, humming, singing - never quiet. Dean supposed he should be thankful for it though, saves him from boredom and the achy feeling of lonesomeness he had felt before teaming up. It takes him awhile, but at some point Dean catches on, and makes noise too. The monsters are going to come anyways, so after all, why not have some fun? Maybe Benny had the right idea.

And it was fun, especially once they had finally found a tune that they could both recognize. With Benny having died long before Dean was born, it was hard for them to find anything they could relate to in terms of culture. Benny started to hum 'Return to Sender' by Elvis Presley one night.

"Is that fucking Elvis?" Dean's eyes light up in realization.

Benny is suprised. "Yeah, kid. One of the last songs I heard b'fore I was taken out."

They just smile into the fire, Benny begins humming again as Dean eventually joins in.

They took that same song into the field the next day. Dean impersonates Elvis' little hip - shimmy dance, covered in blood with his blade in one hand, pretending it's a microphone. They had already killed the werewolf, so Dean was just screwing around at this point, making Benny laugh. He ends his impromptu performance with a bow, and a "Thank yuh' very much." Just like the singer.

Benny claps, laughing more than he had in a long time.

- - - - - - - -

"So," Dean pulls some meat off the leg bone of a rat as he faces Benny. "Where's the accent from?"

"Louisiana." Benny drawls out, wiping his mouth with his sleeve after draining another small rodent.

"That where you grew up?" Dean asks with a mouth full of food.

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