Southern Comfort

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"Hey, so get this." Dean says as he plops next to Sam on the motel bed, laptop in hand.

Sam had just woken up, it was early, and Dean just - used his line? What?

He tosses Dean a look of annoyance. "Dude, it's like four in the morning, what the hell?"

Dean shrugs. "What can I say? Stir crazy."

Sam stares back with an unimpressed expression.

"Anyways. Louisiana. Five college students go on a hike on some wildlife refuge-park kinda deal. 'Dewey Wills Wildlife Management.' Only one comes out. Vic swears she saw something take her buddies. Reports are saying it's survivors' guilt, others are saying it was a bear." He stops to look at Sam, whose expression has not changed. "Well? Weird? Our kinda thing?" He waves his hand trying to speed a response from his brother.

"Maybe. Or maybe it was a bear." Sam shrugs as he slides off the bed, wearily trudging into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

"Well we could at least go and scope it out ya know?" Dean calls from the bed.

Sam rolls his eyes as he steps into the shower. "Sure whatever. We can take a look." He calls back.

Dean silently fist pumps in the air at his success.

- - - - - - - - - -

"-with a lady who was ready to play!
It wasn't me she was foolin'
'Cause she knew what was she was doin'
When she told me how to walk this way!
She told me to
Walk this way!
Talk this way!-"

Dean sang loud and enthusiastically, his tone way off key. He had the Impala's windows down with the music blaring, as he slapped his hands across the steering wheel to the beat. He keeps glancing across at Sam who is either rolling his eyes, looking at Dean in disgust, trying not to laugh, or running a hand over his face from second hand embarrassment. All of these things only egged Dean on to keep singing.

He reaches a hand across and playfully grabs Sam's face to pull it towards him as he sings the next lyric. "Well, just gimme a kiss!"

Sam laughs as he slaps Dean's arm away, the Impala swerves a little bit between the road lanes as Dean cackles.

"Okay, okay c'mon!"

"What? I'm just doing what the song says!" Dean tries to pass it off, playing innocent.

Sam turns the radio down a bit as he shakes his head in amusement. "You're fucking stupid."

"Honestly, it's a gift. You should appreciate it more. What would you do without my undying charisma, hmm?"

Sam starts counting off reasons on his fingertips. "Sleep. Enjoy peace and quiet. Listen to actual current music that doesn't belong to somebody's old pot head uncle-"

"Okay, okay! Christ Sammy." Dean looks over at a very smug Sam. "Ouch?"

"Hey watch the road, that's our turn."

"Oh, shit." Dean turns quickly to not miss their stop.

They are in Jonesville, Louisiana to investigate the possible case Dean had found. Yes, he had actually found this one - not made it up like he had prior to Benny.

Oh yeah, Benny.

Dean was so wrapped up in having fun in the car with Sam, that he had almost forgotten why he had dragged them out here in the first place. He had started to feel normal again on that car ride. He was starting to feel like they were brothers again.

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