No Rest For The Wicked

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Dean seethes through his teeth when an older female vampire licks along the slide of his face, her wet tongue leaving a damp trail behind on his skin. He turns to glare at her, shifting uncomfortably in his restraints.

"Yuck, dog breath." He mumbles, to which she turns fast on her feet, slapping him hard across the face. His eyes water as the sting radiates, blood pooling in his mouth from the inside of his mouth hitting his own teeth.

She smells the fresh blood, leaning in and stealing a lewd kiss that has her lapping and sucking every last drop from inside. Dean groans in disgust as she pulls away, wiping stray bits from her lips as another female vamp paces by the door. Sam stirs awake, blinking rapidly through hazed eyes as he watches Dean flounder in the corner. Benny and Cas are restrained beside one another, both beaten and bruised just as bad as the hunters.

"Hey, Sam." The same, older brunette vamp straddles Sam's lap now, her tone silky and aroused as she toys with the men. "Don't you smell nice and sweet." She huffs in his ear, but he doesn't react.

"Evangeline, leave them be. Father is going to want the first taste." The other vamp says sternly.

She shrugs in response, an innocent look on her face as she licks her lips. "Oh…too late, baby." She shifts her eyes mockingly towards Dean, sending a cold chill down his spine.

"Dean." Sam rasps out. "Are you alright?"

Dean huffs. "Peachy…you?"

Sam winces as his head throbs. "Yeah. I think so. Benny? Cas?"

Cas leans his head against the wall, blood caked down the side of his face as he rolls his eyes in frustration.

Benny laughs sarcastically. "Hangin' in there, Chief. Bet'chu guys wish you'd just let me be right about now, huh?"

"Not a chance." Dean mumbles.

Footsteps quickly approach the door, and the other female vamp opens it to let in several male vampires, all in black suits and black ties, hair slicked back, dressed to the nines. They were large and muscled - body guards it seemed. In the dead center of the pack saunters a particular vamp that the Winchester's and the Seraph are all too familiar with. He holds his head high and proud, fist gripping tightly to the knot at the top of his cane, just before he gracefully takes a seat at the large wooden chair in the corner of the room, his long, sharp nails carelessly tapping along the armrest. His presence is powerful - chilling, it fills the room to the point that it's almost suffocating…taking all the oxygen and replacing it with fear and submission.

The Alpha Vampire, the first of his kind.

His eyes pan around the room, his laugh billowing out in a hearty tone that vibrates against the walls.

"Sam, Dean." He addresses the boys first. "It's been a long time. I have to say, I hadn't expected to see you here, of all places. Small world, hmm?"

The brother’s don't answer, their eyes shoot daggers at the head vamp.

"I see you've made a new friend." He adds plainly, studying Benny with immense curiosity as his eyes travel over his tattered form. "Hello, my child. Seems you have lost your way…associating with these-" He gestures vaguely. "Hunters. Humans." He seethes in disgust.

Benny snarls. "I ain't lost shit. These boys are my family, if you hurt ‘em-"

"What? You'll kill me? Oh, my poor boy. I'm not as easy to dispose of like your siblings…you'd have to try much harder than that to get to me."

"Why are you here?" Sam interjects, tearing the alpha's piercing gaze away from Benny.

The alpha hums in thought. "What kind of father would I be, to not check in on my children?" He asks in rhetoric. Finally he just shrugs, offering a simple solution. "I do my rounds."

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