"I do not..."

"You are nervous around her. You are careful with her. You are worried if she is uncomfortable here.", Whisper said one by one as if she was counting them down.

"I just want to give the best for her.", Jungkook tried to tell her. "She is my guest, I never had a guest before. Of course, I am nervous. It's my first time having a guest since I live alone in the forest.", he quivered while flying down to the ground.

Whisper nodded.

"You are doing alright, Caladrius.", she put her right wing on Jungkook's shoulder. "Just...you need to be more relaxed around her."

Jungkook's shoulders dropped,"How do I do that?"

Some insects came flying in their direction and they began to suggest randomly.

"Just be yourself."

"Make some jokes."

"Have some sense of humour."

"Take a deep breath-"

"And smile!"

He sighed in return, "Be myself? Have a sense of humour? You all know me, I do not know humour."

"You do. Remember when you scare the people away? You laughed at him.", one of the bees reminded him.

He smiled bitterly, "I laughed at him is different with me having to make someone else laughing."


Whisper shooed the insects away as Jungkook reached the staircase of his tree castle.

"Caladrius, just be yourself. Be you who cares about everything, who likes to help everyone, who-"

"Knows what to do. If I don't, I could ask you or any animals here. But now it is different, she is a human. What do you guys know about human except that they are cruel?", he asked as he sat down on the staircase.

"Hmm...that...you have to figure out yourself.", Whisper replied.

"See? This is all new to me.", Jungkook rested his head on his hands.

Whisper chuckled over seeing the king of the forest being sad like that.

"You will figure it out. Anyway, what were you doing at the tree earlier?"

Jungkook took a deep breath, "Just wondering...what I could add to the castle since I have someone staying here with me."

Whisper gasped, "Look at you! You are already figuring it out."

He shook his head, "No..not yet."

Shortly after, they heard a distant sound of thunder rumbling.

"Oh, I have to go now. You should go to sleep. Your beautiful guest has already been asleep while waiting for you upstairs.", Whisper told him before she started to fly in the air.

Jungkook watched it leaving his sight before he turned around to look up at his sturdy yet magnificent tree castle which was beaming under the moonlight.

"I will figure this out, hm.."


As the rain poured down outside, a sudden drip from the window landed on Jungkook's forehead, jolting him awake. He rubbed his eyes and glanced around the dimly lit chamber of his. On the floor, where he slept, he noticed Roseanne on the bed, shivering and murmuring incomprehensibly in her sleep.

Concern etched on his face, he swiftly rose and approached the bed. "Rosie, are you okay?", he asked softly, hovering over her.

She did not reply. He went closer and patted her shoulder softly while repeating his question.

King: of The Forest And The Land (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now