Chapter 31

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   Ennard had fallen asleep in Micheal’s arms, even though Micheal was in his animatronic form. I continued to watch, knowing that them being best friends was bullshit. Micheal continued to watch Ennard sleep, curled up in his lap, then looked over at me. “So this was your idea? Stuffing me into a suit-?” He asked. He didn’t seem upset, but he didn’t seem that happy either. “Micheal.. Your body was rotting… But I’m sure you already knew that…” I said, getting off the wall. Micheal glanced away, and looked over at Henry. I walked over to Henry, and gently fixed the jacket over his shoulders, smiling a bit, happy he was able to sleep. I looked back over at Micheal, crossing my arms. “We could’ve avoided this all,” I said. “I didn’t think it would get this bad..” “No, you thought you could deal with it without help. And look where’s it’s got us,” I told him, motioning toward Ennard and Henry. “Father, I didn’t want to cause a panic.” “Well, Micheal, you caused one that is greater than what it would’ve been..” He glared at me, showing his anger. “You’re the last person I need to lecture me.”


   As I started to wake up, I saw a hand on the table next to me. I looked up, tiredly, at who was standing next to me. I felt my face turn red, but I was too tired to get flustered. I stared up at him, still sleepy. He seemed to be annoyed at something, and then I realized he was talking to someone. I groaned slightly, and buried my face back into my arms. “Henry?” He said, shaking me a bit. I looked back up at him. “What-?” I asked. I just wanted to go back to sleep. It was late. I wasn’t sure what time it actually was, but it felt late. “Would you like to just go to your room? I doubt the desk is a nice pillow,” He offered. I felt his hand on my shoulder, and moved my hand over his, and squeezed his hand a bit. Jeez he’s hot- I mean temperature wise- Ykw no. He is f#ckin hot. William continued to look at me, confused on why I wasn’t answering and why I was practically holding his hand. I realized, and got myself out of it. I looked back up at him, and nodded. “I would like to go to my room-” I mumbled a bit. He nodded, and glanced at Micheal. “When you want to go back to being human, just tap your band,” He told him. Micheal nodded, and looked back at Ennard who had apparently fallen asleep in his lap. I smiled a bit, finding it cute. I remember what Micheal had told me about him.

   I followed William upstairs, a bit close behind, but I didn’t really care. As we got to my room, William opened the door for me. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Hen-” He said, about to leave. I grabbed his arm, and pulled him into the room with me, and closed the door behind. Yeah no, I’m not sleeping alone tonight.  I thought to myself, as I pulled him over to the bed. “Henry-??” He questioned. I knew if he was against the idea, he’d pull away from me. I knew he was stronger than me. He pushed him down onto the bed, and laid down next to him, cuddling up against him. I felt him hesitate, but then he wrapped his arms around me. It’s funny how he can still be severely warm even though he’s dead. “Henry,” He said again. “Shut up, and let me sleep,” I muttered. He looked at me confused, and rolled his eyes. I looked up at him, and rolled my eyes, mocking him. He glared at me, “Do it again. I dare you.” I laughed a bit, and smiled. “Okay, okay- Jeez, you have no chill.” He stared at me, and let go of me. “William, I was joking-” I said. I hugged him tighter, and kissed him on the cheek.

   I smiled as he hugged me back. “I know you were, Hen- Now you said you wanted to sleep.” I shrugged and closed my eyes. I actually fell asleep faster than normal in his arms.. Maybe I could let myself like him a bit..

Sorry that this chapter was short- I was out of town-

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