Chapter 17

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"As I was saying, please do come over.. I'd love to talk to you dear.. I shit!!!. . .Y-Yeah, I'm alright, I just..." "Stasia-?! Are you alright..!? Stasia??!!"

"Father.. Where are you going? It's not time for you to leave for work is it? You leave at 8 a.m.- and it's 11 at night-" Micheal said, questioning me as I was packing my bag, and putting on my shoes. I knew why he was asking, he was worried. His mother had gone missing about two montsh ago, Henry was killed in the same week, and everything has just been going to shit. I knew both of us were paranoid, and it was understandable. "I got a new job, don't worry.." I replied, really not looking forward to going. Micheal crossed his arms. "What job?" "I'm not spending my last moments at home telling you everything. That'll just cause a dispute." "Father, you haven't been telling me a lot of stuff, I can tell. You're tired," He mumbled, sympathy ringing in his tone. I shot him a glare. "Don't start with that." "Start with what-?" I sighed a bit, "You're going to try to get me to stay home." "Am not. I can notice little details. Like you're wearing something over your scars to hide them."

I rolled my eyes. "You know what, I don't have time for this. I'm going to be late." Micheal glanced at the ground. "Please tell me how your job goes-.? I'm worried.." I glanced at him, then nodded a bit. "Make sure you get some rest, alright?" I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. He shrugged a bit, then walked upstairs.

9 hours later

I yawned a bit, and started opening my eyes. I was laying on the couch, the last place I remember being when I got home. I must've blacked out. I rubbed my eyes with my arm, feeling like I was in the middle of a hangover, which I probably was. I groaned a bit, the light starting to hurt my eyes. "Are you finally awake?" I heard Micheal say. I opened one of my eyes, and looked over in his direction. He was holding a plate of food near me, supposedly waiting for me to eat breakfast. It smelled really good, and I was surprised he hadn't burned the kitchen or house. "When'd you learn how to do that-?" I mumbled, my voice nearly failing me. "Self taught, I guess-" He shrugged. "I saw you come home at 6, and you've been passed out on the couch for about 3 hours in total. You look like a complete mess, father," He blatantly said. I laughed a bit, and closed my eyes again. "I bet I do." I felt him tap my shoulder. "Are you going to eat or not?" "I'll just have some coffee-" "You need actual food. You always tell me to eat right, and yet you never do. Why don't you be a rolemodel?"

I chuckled a bit. "I am no rolemodel." I looked over at him. "Well, then learn how to be one, old man," He replied, pushing the eggs and bacon into my face with a fork. "Jesus, Micheal, you're going to choke me-" He shoved the food into my mouth. "I need you to take care of yourself, old man," He said. I rolled my eyes a bit, and ate the food he was practically choking me with. "Thank you." I sighed, and rolled over. "Whatever." "Hey- You're not done, you need to finish this plate." I glanced at him. I could see the determination in his eyes. "How about no-" "Then tell me where you were last night, or I'll continue to bug you." I groaned, and painfully sat up, but kept from wincing. I grabbed the plate, and started eating. I could see in the corner of my eye Micheal smiling. "What-?" I questioned. "I'm happy to see you eating some actual food." I stared at him for a minute. "Toast and coffee is real food-" "Whatever you say old man," He rolled his eyes and got up, going to his room.

I stared down at the plate of food, not really wanting to finish it. It was good, I was impressed for sure, but the hangover was affecting me. I hadn't been eating a lot lately either, so daily foods would consist of toast and coffee in the morning, and then if I felt like it, another piece of toast at night. I sighed and took another bite. As I did, though, I immediately regretted it. I grabbed the trash can next to me, that I assume Micheal put just in case, and threw up in it. "I knew it-" I heard Micheal say from the steps. "Shut up.." I mumbled.

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