Chapter 12

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Excerpt from Remnant Trials on YouTube. Credits to j-gems.

[   Alright.. Let’s make this quick and quiet. Because- What I’m about to do isn’t exactly in our “company guidelines”. Remnant is something we all have. It enables us to live, it’s the energy that keeps us going. Our “soul”, if you will. But only recently have I discovered through- unfortunate events, that this energy can be harnessed and used to give life to pretty much anything. Now extracting this remnant from a life force does result in its end. A soul for a soul. So that doesn’t make this experiment legal as such. But if I were to make a breakthrough with this technology, it- It could be revolutionary. Anybody could be brought back to life. Stronger than ever. This could change the world.. Then we’ll see who has the last laugh. Just.. you.. Wait. 

So the way this is going to work is- I’ll go through the various animatronics that we have here and gift each of them a soul. I’ll then interview them to see what they remember from their previous lives and.. or- if they remember anything at all… If all goes well, we can move onto motor skills, no pun intended. Let’s begin.]

[Okay, remnant test 105 with Funtime Foxy.]
*Incoherent Screams As Electric Shock Goes Off*

[Hello there. I am ####. Does that name sound familiar?]
{Not that I recall..}
[Do you know what your last name is?]
{I am.. Foxy or… at least that’s what.. All I remember…}
[So you’re aware?]
{Aware that I was somebody else before this? Yes.}
[Do you remember what happened?]
{I… think I was at a.. party… There was music.. And singing.. But… something bad happened.. To me…}
[Well that's unfortunate. But you’re here now, you can leave all of that behind. I have put you back together]
{I don’t think you understand.. How strange this feeling is… A person one moment, and a hunk of metal the next…}
[It’s a fresh start, a new life. I’d kill to have that opportunity!]
{Yes-.. Well I suppose you and I have very different ambitions then.. At least I’m not a murderer.}
[A murderer? I didn’t kill you, if that’s what you’re implying. Your body was donated for science.]
{Heh.. That’s funny. Donations usually require consent, and for the donor to be dead-

*More Incoherent Screams As Another Electric Shock Goes Off*


   I grabbed my keys from my desk. “Are you sure we’re out of that, Harry? I could have sworn we just restocked them,” I said, annoyed that I had to go out right now. “That was at the toy location, Mr. Afton. Not here at Circus Baby’s-, sir,” He said, with a hint of fear in his voice. I loved that. I smiled at him. “Alright then. I’ll go grab some of that then. If you can, keep an eye on Micheal or Elizabeth for me.” He nodded, and he walked off. I rolled my eyes, and headed out of the building. 

20 minutes later

   I pulled into the parking lot, and turned off the car. I sighed, and rested my head on the steering wheel. I loved my children, but my wife was just annoying. Which made taking care of the kids annoying. I groaned and closed my eyes. “Come on, William. Just get through today..” I sighed again, and lifted my head off the steering wheel. Wait.. Is that Ana’s car-? What the hell is she doing here? Damn it. I opened my door, and got out of the car, grabbing the groceries and walking inside. As I opened the door, I saw Micheal in the hallway, watching as Ana went through the rooms. He turned to look at me, and quickly checked around me. I could tell something was wrong. “Micheal, what is it-?” Anastasia looked out of the room she was in, and when she saw me, she walked over to us. “WIlliam, do you have Liz with you?” I looked at her confused. “Why would I have Elizabeth with me? She’s supposed to stay with Micheal so he can watch her. 

   A nose that sounded like a bang caught my attention, and I looked over at Micheal who seemed nauseous. Anastasia noticed as well, and quickly went for him as he started to fall. “Micheal, are you okay?! Micheal?!?” There was no response, as he hit the ground. Anastasia quickly picked him up, and held him against herself. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. “Our baby girl.. I can’t find her anywhere, Micheal doesn’t know where she is either.. William-. I don’t know what to do..!” I froze a bit, but then forced myself to move. “Take Micheal home, I’m calling the police..” I said, knowing I was partly lying. I went to my office, and waited for a moment. After I was sure she was gone, I hesitantly walked into Circus Baby’s Gallery. I looked up at the animatronic, having closed the main doors behind myself and locking them. 

   I hugged myself, and continued to stare, and felt tears well up in my eyes as I noticed the red stuff dripping out of the stomach hatch. I told her to stay away... “Bloody hell, Elizabeth…” I said, wiping my eyes, and then looking back up at her. “You’re lucky I’m already doing some research..” I said, going up the stage, and pressing the button. I watched as she went below stage. I sighed a bit, and closed the hatch. “It’s going to be a long couple of nights..”

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