Chapter 14

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   “Clementine? Clementine! Oh there you are!! I knew mommy and daddy were lying!! You aren’t dead, you’re right- Clementine?!? Oh dear!!!! Why do you only have half of your-?!?”

   “William, I demand you shut this business down!!!!” Anastasia demanded. “Oh really?! Why?!? It’s making sure that this family stays in a good house, isn’t it?!!” “There is barely anything left of this family!!! Evan died from your creation, Charlie went missing at one of your locations, Elizabeth went missing in another one of your locations, and a little girl went missing as well!!!! When is enough going to be enough, Will..?! I’m hurting-!!!” “Oh don’t give me that shit!!!” I yelled, glaring at her. “William, there is more to life than your stupid animatronics!!!! There are other things that can get you through things, and be there for you!!!!” “Oh really? Like you?” I crossed my arms. She stared at me. “... This is where you apologize…” “I think not. Now either you admit it, or I do, we both know that this business is the only thing keeping this roof over our heads majority of the time.

   I don’t know where you go, but it sure as hell isn’t to work most days. And to think that I’ll bloody believe it.” “I-. William..” “Don’t you interrupt me. Because you knew that I god damn did for it. For longer than I’d like to admit. It wasn’t till you’d start coming home at 3 or 4 in the morning looking horrible, and like you’d been run through.” “I can’t stand being in this house with you anymore, William!! You and your stupid animatronics need to stay away from me and Micheal!!” “Stop acting like this is all my, Anastasia! I never wanted to marry you!!! You’re the reason we chose to move to Hurricane, remember?! So we could live near your family!!!” “You act like Brittan would’ve been better.” “What about my sister and brother? It never occurred to you, did it? I find it funny you think you’re in the full right.” “And this is exactly why Elizabeth isn’t your daughter,” Anastasia said, but then quickly covered her mouth.

   “What did you just say.. What the f-ck do you mean, Ana?!” “William.. I’m-...” She started to cry, and I almost did feel bad for her, but everything started to make sense. Elizabeth’s blonde hair, her green eyes… “You know what, forget it. I don’t even care that she isn’t my own, I’ll continue to love her as though she is. Even if she’s gone. But I won’t ever f-cking forgive you. You had two sons at the time, and you still risked it all. Well now, we only have one child left, and you admit it. You might as well tell him, it’s better now, than never.” Ana wiped her tears, and started heading up the stairs to our room. I glared at the ground a bit, before moving and grabbing my keys. I yawned a bit, when suddenly, I was pulled to the ground by my hair. The air got knocked out of me, and I gasped. I looked up to see Micheal standing over me. “Ow-!! What the f-ck Micheal?!” I winced a bit as he kicked me in my back. I quickly grabbed his leg and pulled him down to keep from any more attempts to hurt me. 

   I became concerned when I heard his head hit the ground, and I looked at him. Luckily he was conscious. “What has gotten into you, Micheal?!?!” I shouted at him. I glanced over at Anastasia, who ran back down the steps. “What’s going on-?!” I rolled my eyes, and sat up, leaning against the couch. Micheal coughed a bit as he sat up, and looked at me. “I’m sorry…” He mumbled. I sighed a bit, and looked away from him. Go to your room, Micheal.” I heard a soft sigh, and he walked upstairs to his room. “William, why the hell would you do that?!” I rolled my eyes. “He’s a tough kid, he can survive a bit of pain. He was trying to hurt me after all, and nearly broke my spine!!!” “You could have given him a concussion!!!” “He didn’t fall that hard!! God, you baby them so much, that was the exact problem with Evan!” “Evan acted like you when you were little. You were a crybaby, I remember. So shut the hell up, because you’re the problem,” She replied, walking down the stairs and back over to me. 

   I got up, brushed myself off, and glared at her. “Don’t need to remind me every single time y’know. I should’ve kept an eye on him, I should have kept Micheal and Elizabeth with me, why do you think I stay awake at night? Of my free will?!” “Oh please, William. At this point I should just have Henry come and talk to you about this. You’re more likely to listen to him than me.” I stared at her for a moment. “They’re closing Elizabeth’s case-!!!” I heard Micheal yell. I jumped a bit, and looked over to see him gripping the banister. I stared at him unsure what to say. I was happy that the investigations were over, but at the same time.. Anastasia fell to the ground crying and breaking down. Micheal stayed where he was, as though he was frozen, and I hesitantly walked over to the stairs. I looked at him from the bottom of the steps, and he looked at me in fear, most likely from earlier. “Micheal, come here,” I asked him softly.

   He stepped back a bit, and I could tell it was from fear. I opened my arms towards him, and he stared. “Come here, peanut..” He started to cry, then quickly came down and ran into my arms, crying harder. I hugged him tightly.

   “I am so sorry, Micheal..”

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