Chapter 13

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Credits to j-gems again for the excerpt

[   A minute amount of remnant causes the subject to fall into a state of unconsciousness. In other words- it’s ineffective. I could try rerouting a secondary power source to the animatronics core. Maybe that can help stabilize its life force.

Okay- Now onto- Circus Baby. The one who took my daughter from me. Here it goes.]
*Incoherent Screams As An Electric Shock Goes Off*

[Hello There. Do you- remember me..?]
{You’re ####### ####, my creator.}
[I- I suppose that is correct, yeah-]
{Do you know who I am?}
[Um- y-yeah, you are- um.. Y-you are Circus Baby..]
{I am..}
[But- um- d-.. Do you, um- Do you happen to know who you really are-?]
{I.. Don’t understand.}
[Think!! Remember back! Who were you before all this?}
{I… Don’t understand.}
[Please- Try to think back!!]
{I… Don’t understand.}
[Your name-. I- It was Elizabeth. Elizabeth #####..]
{I don’t understand.}
[Elizabeth #####!!!]
[Daughter of ####### #####.]
{I don’t understand.}
[Why won’t you remember?!?! Remember dammit!!!]
{I don’t understand. I don’t understand. I don’t understand.}


   I slammed my book down on the desk, frustrated. Scott glanced into the room. “Sir, are you alright-?” I looked at him, only now realizing how hard I slammed the book down. “Yes, I’m just fine.” I said, my accent again making it hard to hide that I was upset. Although, he wasn’t Henry, so he couldn’t tell.. “Scott, before you leave, do you know if Henry’s in today..?” Scott stared at me for a moment. “Henry called off today again. He said he had to deal with something-.” I sighed a bit, and got up. “Alright-.. Close Freddy’s and we’ll call it a day,” I said, walking passed him. “Are you sure-? We could still possibly get some people-” “Yes, I’m sure.” “Alright.”

   I watched as he finished whatever he was doing, and locked the doors behind him. “See ya, Mr. Afton!” He said, as he left and walked to his car. I waved a bit back, then looked up at Freddy’s, and read the sign.

Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria
Grand Opening

   I sighed a bit. Because of the malfunctions of the other animatronics at SL, we had to open this new joint. Luckily, we had spare parts from the toy Location from unfinished projects that Henry and I had thought about making. (It’s 1984 btw, I know, I should’ve done dates- but it is what it is- Elizabeth died on June 14th 1984. Freddy’s was opened July 28th 1984)) I glanced at my watch, knowing it would only be around 1:00 p.m. I got into my car and started to drive towards Henry’s house.


   I kept my arm over my eyes, having a horrible headache. I hadn’t slept well last night, since Roselle took Sammy and left.. I glanced over at the time. It was 1:05 p.m. already.? I hope William doesn’t mind that I took another day off… It feels wrong to keep taking off, but I keep losing people.. He barely took off any days when he lost his kid, why can’t I not even get out of bed…?! I curled up under the covers and glanced at the bandages on my arms. I’d need to change them soon, they were starting to bleed through.. I jumped a bit when I heard a knock at my door. Sitting up a bit, I got up and started heading towards my door, but then looked down at my condition. I was in sweatpants, but no shirt. Dang it… There was another knock at the door. “I’m coming-!!!” I said, trying to make my voice sound as normal as possible. I quickly grabbed a shirt off my dresser, and slipped it on, struggling with the bandages. I winced a bit, as it scraped my skin. I quickly went out the door of my bedroom, and to the front door, opening it.

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