Chapter 26

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   As I opened my eyes, I felt my one eye couldn’t open, covered in rough cloth; bandages. I sat up a bit, wincing, severely sore. I glanced around the room, confused on when I’d got there, but then paused. In the chair next to my bed, Henry was asleep under a blanket. I stayed put for a minute, and then carefully got up. I gently picked him up, ignoring the pain  in my arms and hands from doing so, and set him down on the bed. He curled up on the bed a bit, and kept hold of my arm. I looked at him, confused, and turned a bit red when I saw him cuddling it. I glanced over at the door, and hesitated, but then laid down on the bed with him. I was tired anyways.


   I waited in the living room with Eliza, waiting for Charlie and Evan to come back. Eliza was pacing back and forth in the middle of the living room with her arms crossed. I’d always glance over, thinking it was Charlie, but then the distinct difference in style would remind me of my sister, and I’d look away knowing it was Elizabeth. “What’s taking them so long? Negotiating with a 11 year old shouldn’t be this difficult. If Cassidy wants to stay in that dump with the rest of the children, she can,” Eliza said, finally showing her full irritation. I shrugged a bit. “You know Cassidy is stubborn, and vengeful. We just got dad back home after you and Evan triggered the curse.” She groaned, and threw her hands in the air. “I didn’t know it was going to happen! CC kept it secret, and kept his promise to Cass that he wouldn’t intervene or let anyone else intervene for that matter.” I sighed a bit, “You do realize Evan isn’t always all there, right?”

   Eliza looked over at me, and gave me a confused and concerned look. “What do you mean?” I continued to look at her. “Haven’t you noticed? He can’t remember things even if it just happened. He can’t control impulses sometimes even, and there’s other things that he struggles with his frontal lobe being damaged/biten off..” I glanced at the ground. “It doesn’t happen all the time, but he just can’t function at moments without help..” I sighed again. Eliza glanced down at the ground, then sighed. “I didn’t realize-” She mumbled. “It’s not something easy to notice. You were five when he got the injury, you wouldn’t have known exactly where he was bit. But that’s okay, just remember it.” She nodded a bit, and crossed her arms. She sat down on the couch, and closed her eyes. She switched back to her soul hidden form, and criss-crossed her legs.

   I glanced over at the stairs. “How do you think Henry is fairing with father’s injuries?” I questioned, more to myself than to Liz. She looked over at me, then over at the stairs as well. “Probably good- Uncle Henry always knew how to get daddy better!!!” I nodded a bit, recalling a few times when he was able to. “Weren’t you supposed to go home a week ago, though, bubba?” Elizabeth questioned. I glanced over at her. “That was supposed to happen, before you and Evan practically handed him to the obsessed vengeful spirit.” She nodded a bit again, then looked at the ground. “Do you fully blame Cass and the others for wanting their revenge..? I know it’s going a bit far, but at the same time, isn’t it all justified.?” I walked over to her, and sat down next to her. She had a point, and I didn’t exactly want to convey the wrong message. “I don’t know, Lizzy-. I mean we had just been able to bring him home, and not even a week later he was taken away. There’s no way to be sure he’s changed, and wouldn’t try to do what he did again.”

   “But, he has his entire family-. You, moma, CC, me, even Uncle Henry and Charlie-. Why would he continue-.?” Liz looked up at me, immediately hugging my amr as she did. I let her, and glanced away a bit. “I don’t know.. Father’s not completely sane-.” “I know that Micheal, I’m not totally clueless,” She said, sounding a bit hurt that I assumed she hadn’t noticed. She was the one who had spent the most time with him, even after death. Suddenly, a black flash appeared in the center of the room, and Charlie and Evan appeared. I looked over, and saw the other missing children as well. Susie holding onto Gabriel, Jeremy and Fritz looking around curiously, and Cassidy in front with Charlie and Evan. There was a teenage girl with a Funtime Freddy mask, a dog, and a boy who had a strange one. I got up, and went over to Evan who was looking at the ground. I knelt down and looked at him, as he lifted his head up a bit to look at me. He was upset, but he’s recently been able to hide it pretty well. I smiled a bit, and gently held his hand, and reassuringly said, “I am not upset with you.” His eyes lit up for a split second, then went away, and he looked away from me. “Alright..” He then shadow-stepped to his room. I sighed a bit, and stood up. That was the closest I’d been able to get to him, and thoughts were starting to run through my head. I looked over at Cassidy.

   “Remember what Charlie said, no torturing or haunting William anymore, there is no need. We can monitor him, and control him ourselves. If you disobey, we will send you and the missing children back to that blob of a creature.” She looked up at me. “I don’t break promises, Micheal.” I nodded, understanding, and walked towards the rooms on the bottom floor. “Would you like separate rooms, or one-?” I asked. The kids looked at eachother, as though communicating through their expressions, and then simultaneously looked at me. “A room together,” Gabriel requested. I nodded again, and led them to the guest room on the first floor. “I’ll bring some stuff for you in here so it’s more hosptiable- Do you guys need anything else?” I asked. Jeremy and Fritz ran into the room excitedly, and Susie, with her dog, followed behind with Gaberiel. Cassidy looked at me as she walked in. “We’ll be fine,” She said, and closed the door behind the boy and the teenager.

   I sighed and looked over at Elizabeth. “Do you think dad is going to freak out that we did this-.?” She shrugged. “Daddy might not be awake yet, Mikey-” I shrugged a bit, not really knowing how bad his condition was at this exact moment. “Hey, have you seen Ennard recently, Liz-?” I questioned. He’d come home with us, but he kind of just walked off somewhere in the house. Elizabeth glanced around. “My guess is the vents-” She suggested. I nodded a bit, and stopped leaning against the wall. As I went to step, I felt a bone break in my leg. I fell to the ground, but caught myself with my arms, before I face-planted. Elizabeth hurried over to me, and helped me sit up. “Micheal, are you okay-.?” She asked, concerned that I had fallen. I assumed she hadn’t heard the crack if she was asking me. I smiled a bit, and nodded, but was a bit shaken, adn trying to play it off. “Yeah, I’m good-. Can you just get Enn for me-?”

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