Chapter 15

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I smiled subtly as I watched Charlie run around. "Papa!!!" She said, running over and hugging my leg. I laughed slightly, and gently picked her up. She nuzzled her head into the side of my arm. I'd done it. There was a deep emptiness I felt while watching her..

I had brought back my daughter, right?....

I looked at her and sighed, knowing Roselle wasn't going to come back if I told her. I pressed the off switch for her illusion disc and set her down on the desk. I stared down at my work. Her adult form. My smile had faltered by then. Something was wrong with her features, but I couldn't tell what. It annoyed me, and enraged me that I couldn't pinpoint it. I felt tears swell into my eyes. "She's not goddamn right." I mumbled. "I've screwed it all up again. I can't continue with this...."


"Are you sure we should be following him into here-.." "What do you mean-? It's the bunny from up on stage!! We can trust him!!!" "That's my point, Jer.. Why isn't he on stage, and why is he here leading us?" "You worry too much Gabe- . . . Gabe-? . . . Gabe where'd you go?! This isn't funny!!!. . . Oh!! You're still here, Mr. Bunny-!! Could you help me find my friend, I think he got lost in the dark-.. What's that on your face...?"

I stared at the blueprints, and lawsuits all jumbled up into one on my desk. Both were annoying me and frustrating me. The blueprints were helping none, and any scientific advancements weren't helping me currently. There were scribbles, crossed out bits, and random ideas that I had had all over them. Then there were the lawsuits. Parents claiming that their child was either kidnapped or murdered here. No proof, just erratic parent behaviour. Oh, honestly? Had they not read the company policy? I rolled my eyes. Nevertheless they were now in stacks and heaps on my desk, crowding every bit of space there was left on my desk. I glanced over towards Henry's desk. That desk that had stayed awfully empty since he hasn't been showing up. I couldn't exactly pinpoint if his state had gotten worse or not. I knew it was my fault, he knew I'd killed Charlie... Why he hadn't turned me in already was beyond me..

Every time, before that, I had tried to visit him, he'd quickly reassure me that he was doing "just fine" and that he "needed to quickly take care of something, and couldn't talk right now". It annoyed the shit out of me, and it got to me to the point I straight out told him.. Nothing had been truly going my way anyways, and even though I had done all the things to make it that way, right? Even with Evan and Elizabeth's deaths, I hadn't stopped working. I hadn't stopped going. I won't stop going. I need them back. Anastasia packed her things earlier this morning, which I was glad. But that over looming court date was like an impending disaster. I jumped a bit when my phone in my office started ringing. I sighed, having a feeling it was a complaining parent.

I walked over and picked up the phone. "This is Freddy's Pizzeria, how can I help you?" "Hello, are we speaking to Mr. Afton?" I paused for a minute. "Yes, this is he." "Father of Micheal Afton?" "Yes. What did he do now? Why is he-" "We found him at Henry Emily's suicide. He called us in. We would like you to take him home for now so he can regain himself, then bring him in for questioning tomorrow. "What..." "Please, hurry and pick him up." The phone beeped, and I stared straight ahead at the wall. I could feel the warm tears running down my face, again, as daunting memories flooded my head. I grabbed my keys and headed out.

7 minutes later

I closed my car door, and locked it. I glanced at the ambulance, and police cars in front of Henry's house. I started walking towards the house, and on my way up the stairs, and as I got to the door, I saw him. They were stretching Henry out of the house, and as they did, I saw Henry's hand dangling out the side, with blood dripping down it. I stared as they loaded him into the back, and then turned to see Micheal standing inside with an officer next to him. I went over, and she had told me that when they had entered the house, they'd found Micheal holding Henry in his arms. I thanked her a bit, then walked with him to the car, and started to drive home. It took everything in me not to break down while driving home..

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