Chapter 23

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   I watched as the river continued to flow down the stream. “William-? Did you zone out again?” I heard Henry ask. He laughed a bit, and gently holding his paper boat. I watched as it went down stream, snapping out of my imagination. “Ah, yeah, I guess I did-” I mumbled a bit. Henry glanced over. “Will, I didn’t hear you- You really need to lose the mask, y’know-” He said, going over to pull it off. I pulled away a bit. “I’d rather not.” I looked away. “William, why don’t you just talk to me? Also, did you ever finish your boat.?” “Henry, this is childish,” I said, getting up and going to walk away. “You’re the only one who’s being childish. You’re avoiding me, like I did something wrong, and in the end, it’s really not my fault. I want to be there for you William, you just need to open up..” “No, I don’t. Leave me alone,” I snapped, clutching my hands into fists, then walked away. “William, I need you to talk to me.. William-!!!”

   I abruptly stopped walking. There had been a sudden sharp pain in my stomach, and I gripped my stomach with my hands. I looked down at my shaking hands, seeing the blood seeping through. “Wrong choice,” said an unfamiliar voice.

   I quickly sat up in bed, in a cold sweat, and breathing heavily. I glanced around the room, disoriented, but then quickly realized I was in my room, but alone. I grabbed at my neck a bit, and closed my eyes, trying to control my breathing.

   “Ceiling fan.. Air ventilation… Breathing.. Rain.. Music…” I reopened my eyes.
   “Dresser… Walls.. Bed covers.. Window…”
   “Bed.. Myself… Uhm.. Shit.. What else..” I glanced around, starting to feel the panic build up again. I quickly closed my eyes, and reached for something, anything, I could feel in the dark of my room. 
   “Wall..” I gently sighed.
   “Rain.. and..” I opened my eyes again, unable to smell anything else. I pulled at my hair a bit, then got up, put on my robe, and walked out of the room. I just need fresh air.. I’ll be fine, I’ll be  fine.. Why am I even this worked up? It was just a dream.. I hugged my arms a bit, and continued to walk down the hallway. Most of the rooms were quiet, apart from Evan’s, but he’d always been that way. I walked down the stairs, and to the back porch. I went, and sat down on one of the steps, and leaned against the house. I closed my eyes, and felt my body start to cool down. I loved the fall/winter season. Luckily, Hurricane had cold enough winters to promise snow most days. 

   “William.? Is that you?” I immediately froze. Henry… I opened my eyes, and looked behind myself. Henry stood in the doorway, hugging himself tightly, with his jacket on, shivering severely. I was surprised to see that he was actually here, actually in front of me. I felt my eyes start to tear up, and quickly looked away, and wiped them on my sleeve. Don’t be stupid here, you’ll mess this all up.. I thought to myself. “Yeah, it’s me-” I said, a bit quieter than normal. There was silence, and I was almost sure he had left, until he asked, “May I come sit with you?” I turned and looked at him. “Yes- I mean- Are you sure-? Aren’t you cold.? You should probably go back inside, if anything-.” He smiled softly at me. “I’ll be alright. You seem like you need a friend, anyhow,” He replied, and proceeded to sit right next to me. I continued to look at him, as he looked out into the woods that our background stretched out into. 

   His hair was a mess, but it was still absolutely beautiful. It glowed with the yellow light from the porch light behind it. His brown eyes gave a hint of gold at moments, when the light hit it right. They looked absolutely beautiful when the sun shone on them instead of the artificial light. His soft smile he made always warmed my heart to see, even after it being years. There was something about him that surpassed the words of beautiful, in so many more ways than one. I kept the urge from wrapping him up in my arms, and shielding him from the cold, having a feeling it would weird him out. 

   He glanced over at me, a moment later, and gave me a confused look. “Are you alright-? You’re kind of just staring at me-” I jumped slightly, realizing I was staring. I looked away, over towards the woods, and nodded. “Yeah, I’m all good.”


   I continued to look over at him, and smiled softly again. I found it kind of cute. But at the same time I was nervous. What could be going through his mind. He could be thinking of ways to kill me. To hurt my daughter. And I would never know, because I hadn’t even known he was the murderer of my daughter, until he said something. And by then it was already too late to change anything that happened. Too late to tell Roselle, too late to have Sammy back, too late to get my old self back. Too late to get my daughter back to me. I looked back towards the woods, deciding to let my thoughts drift. Too late to stop him, too late to save her, too late to see the signs, too late to warn myself, too late to prepare myself, too late. Too late to help him. I turned to look at him. “Why’re you out here-? As long as you don’t mind me asking-” He looked over at the wall of the house. “I just like it out here. It’s quiet as well.”

   I continued to look at him, knowing he was lying. Even after many years, he couldn’t tell me a convincing lie when tired. I nodded a bit, planning on letting him think he convinced me. It was quiet for a moment, before the door behind us opened. I looked behind, and saw Elizabeth. She had put on her winter coat, but was still in her pjamas and slippers. “Liz, what’re you doing awake-? We didn’t wake you, did we?” William asked, getting up, and picking her up. “No, I was just looking for you, daddy- I wanted to know if we could play-” She yawned. William glanced at his watch. “It’s 4 a.m. Lizzy-” He laughed a bit. “Maybe tomorrow,” He said, walking into the house with her. I watched, and after they were out of sight, I sighed a bit. I had been wanting to talk to him a bit more, but I guess that would have to wait..

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