Ch7 The Iconic Birthday

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What is excitement? I got to know on my 14th birthday. I was excited but more than me were my friends. I wonder why..? Well my birthday came during exams. We had our English test that day and the day after it we had maths test so forget about enjoyment. After prayer, we gave our test and as soon as we arrived in the class. My friends just announced in the class that it was my birthday and all of them were behaving like animals asking for chocolates.
Luckily, I already bought it for them. They took so many chocolates and even those toffees and candies which i saved for backup.
Behind all this, was one guy who took the most of them, James, I didn't mind it but this was an iconic birthday. The happiness, smile and excitement on everyone's face especially James just made my day.
While my friends were completing the old tradition of birthday bombs a voice came from behind " Hold her hands and legs and then give her birthday bombs", I turned around to see who the hell was that, it was James I couldn't say a word and everyone was just laughing like idiots. He took a lot of candies and while my friends were feeding me their chocolates, a voice came from behind " Btw Happy Birthday" I didn't show but everything just faded from my eyes and all I could listen was the echo of these 3 words and " thank you" I said. Now it was a happy birthday.
To my question " What will you do of these many candies?", James said " Amm..I will give party to my bus mates." I was amazed and confused but happy at the same time as I saw his smirk.
That day he was caought eating candy in ongoing class. " What are you eating?" the teacher asked, " Nothing ma'am, its just a candy" "You are not allowed to eat in ongoing class." said our teacher. To which that bloody daring guy said " Ma'am it's Vera's birthday, so she gave candies and that's why am eating it." Knowing this our teacher was humble enough to wish me and asked me for party and guess what due to the diversion of the conversation he wasn't punished. I was happy or shall I say happiest. I love him for all the things he does no matter what.

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