Ch1 When I Saw You

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His first glimpse  was terrible for my heart. "Butterflies in stomach" I just heard this phrase earlier but i felt it when he entered the classroom."Love at first sight" was not in my plans but I knew I had a small crush on him which I thought would end up soon. I believed it was just an attraction.

A tall boy with pair of spectacles with a perfect sharp jawline is what I saw when he opened the class door.

"Hi! Myself Vera " were the words I wanted to say but I couldn't muster up the courage to approach him. My first official day at school and I fell in love with someone. This was hard to believe. I heard him introducing himself to others. "What is your name?" someone asked him to which he replied "James". My whole world flipped around hearing his name for the first time.

He was a cheerful and always smiling kind of a person. The one who would cause troubles in the school or shall i say he was mischievous. Whatever scandal happened in school, he was the one always blamed for it disregarding whether he did it or not. He had this kind of reputation.

While, me who was an easy going person rather you can say an introvert. Wow! an introvert in love with an extrovert.

I was a stupid who loved everything about him may it be his walking style that matched with that of a drunkard or his cracked dry voice. I knew the love I had for him would always be unrequited.

I had a best friend and her name was Vanna. Though I couldn't tell her about what i felt for James but she could make it out by the way I behaved around him or the way i would look at him.

The first words i spoke to him were "Hey! I want your english notebook as Ma'am asked it for checking" to which he said "Yeah, sure." It looked like a general small conversation to everyone including him but trust me I had to take several deep breathes just to say this one sentence.

The official first day at school in 8th standard after lockdown looked like this. Very dreamy as well as unexpected. The day at school ended and I couldn't stop thinking about him now.

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