Ch5 The Era of Red Basket & Candies

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Mid June was the time I guess we became friends somehow. One morning we got to know that our class had to prepare a birthday card for our school trustee Sir. Some of my classmates showed interest in that but for the hand I was looking for was also raised inorder to take part in this.

I could have join them but I didn't felt like doing so. 1-2 days they took to decide layout and stuff. I developed interest in it and I proposed some suggestions for it. Though I didn't took part but I brought my stationaries all packed in a red coloured plastic basket but I was hesitant hand it over to him. When James got to know I have some stationaries he came and asked during on going class " Hey, give me your that basket we need it." For a moment I was like wait is that him talking with me? oh yeah...I handed him that basket and though he is careless I don't regret this decision.

He took it with him and later at the end of my day at school I got to know from Vanna that there were 4 candies in that basket and just showing his iconic childish behaviour, he and his friend fought for those and shared those. I was like great I didn't even hope to get any of those candies but I was happy with the increasing interaction but scared at the same time of losing him as I know I don't deserve these.

Here we go again, everyday I used to bring those candies, Alpenliebe and Kachcha Mango bite for myself but I never got to eat a single candy though I always brought 3 to 4. It was him, he would snatch it from me and have it, ofcourse I was angry but couldn't say a word in front of him because of the way he would looked at me after all these stupid acts he did I found myself lost in those little sparkly innocent eyes (though they aren't innocent). I would express my childish anger and yeah the amount of courage he had is something I would appreciate. Snatching my candies and eating it in front of me while teasing me requires courage. Maybe not courageous he is shameless.

One day it was our break time and he snatched my lunch from me and all I could think was here we go again. Some drama, some chasing and I still didn't got my lunch back. I realised I had a chocolate in my bag. I took it out unaware from the fact that he is standing right besides me and snatched it too ( just me being me). But to my astonishment, something unreal unexpected happened. James showed some mercy on my dieing form hunger expressions and gave me a small piece from the chocolate which he snatched from me. When he was offering this, my expressions changed as fast as a blink. Wow! this guy has got heart? strange. I took it form his hand and ate it smiling and blushing all way long. Trust me the piece of chocolate was not just a chocolate to me anymore. It was a new feeling and emotional attachment due to which I saw his this side for first time.

I was shocked, terrified, surprised and confused all at the same time.

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