Chapter 10: An Uneasy Feeling

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I regrouped with Kei and Arisu, all while trying to maintain a normal appearance.

"Lyssa? You took a while. Is everything okay?"

I nodded in response, trying to hide my anxiousness.

"Why wouldn't she be? She's basically invisible to everyone else." She said as she gazed at me sceptically.

Kei simply gazed at Arisu before speaking once again.

"We were worried that you ran off somewhere without us."

I tilted my head as I attempted to come up with an explanation.

"Well, I just saw this beautiful view and wanted to check it out!"

Arisu let out a slight giggle at my 'very' convincing explanation. I could tell that she wasn't entirely convinced, but she was willing to give me the benefit of the doubt.

"Really?" She asked sceptically.

"Yes, really. I wouldn't lie about something like that."

She scanned the area for a few seconds, and after a brief pause, she turned back to me with a determined look on her face.

"In that case, you should hurry up and take us there! I want to see this beautiful view for myself."

Kei didn't seem too thrilled about the idea. He crossed his arms over his chest and scowled at Arisu.

"I'd rather go back to the inn."

I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Actually, I want to know about that trinket you bought."

"And don't give some half-assed explanation." I added, knowing what Arisu was like. She had a tendency to gloss over details and leave out important information.

"I too want an explanation about that trinket." Kei chimed in.

Arisu puffed her cheeks in annoyance before speaking.

"I buy one trinket, and suddenly everyone wants to know."

I deadpanned her. Despite her protests, I knew that Arisu would eventually tell us what we wanted to know.

"You're probably the only one who knows what it does."

"Fine fine! Jeez, you two are impatient."

Arisu placed a hand on her hips before continuing.

"You see, this is an enchanted trinket called 'The Trinket of Tyranny'!"

Arisu announced with a flourish, holding up the small, ornate object. It was made of a red mineral—probably ruby or painite—and possibly obsidian.

Kei spoke up with concern; his words rang out clearly. I agreed with him; the name alone sounded ominous and dangerous.

"That sounds like it should be locked up in eternal flames forever."

Arisu, however, seemed unfazed by our reactions.

"That may be true, but it's not as bad as it sounds! This little thing is filled with magic, and it can do some pretty incredible things."

She hoped her words would be enough to convince us, but I simply gazed at Arisu before responding.

"It sounds like it's dangerous to—"

"It's perfectly safe!!" She quickly interrupted.

"I've used it before, and nothing bad happened."

Without hesitation, Kei added his intake.

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