Chapter 1: Grim Premonitions

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I lit the candle; the amber glow faintly illuminated my makeshift seat atop a stack of crates, my feet tapping against the uneven, damp cobblestone ground.

As I settled onto the crates, taking in the scent of the waxed candle, a figure approached the secluded area.

Despite the meagre light, the figure's features remained artfully concealed in utter blackness.

They took a seat across from me, their aura emanating an eerie and unsettling presence.

"Behind the tavern? You've chosen an... interesting spot." They said, their voice velvety yet infused with a teasing edge of mystery, breaking the silence.

"It serves its purpose, and it's quiet," I replied calmly, my tone hinting at amusement, "now, how much do you want?"

"Getting straight to the point, I see..." They paused, drawing out the suspense, then finally asked for what they wanted.

"A Death Crystal. And before you feign ignorance, think about the value of such a trade for someone of your... stature."

A distant shout made us both pause, our eyes darting in the direction of the noise. After a tense moment, we resumed our negotiation.

I narrowed my eyes, "Bold words. But dangerous items like that aren't mere toys to be traded in a back alley. And why would you assume I have any?"

"With how high-class your family is, you would have at least one illegal item... right?"

"What a terrible assumption," I retorted, my voice carrying a slight offence, "those things are dangerous and criminal. They wouldn't be distributed like mere gifts."

"Oh, forgive my assumptions," the figure said, a sly grin evident via their voice, "but in this world, it's often those who proclaim innocence the loudest who have the most to hide. Tell me, Lyssa Anastasia, how confident are you in your family's righteousness?"

I leaned forward, intrigued despite myself, "And why would my family's righteousness be of any interest to you? You're wasting my time here."

"Well, sellers are most known for hoarding... suspicious items."

I pushed back forcefully, the crate beneath me creaking as I abruptly stood up.

My voice shifted from its previously calm tone to one that was sharper, edged with rising anger, "That's-"

"It's even a miracle how your family got so popular despite all the rumours..." They continued.

With each passing word, my anger swelled, my hands reflexively curling into tighter fists. The candle's embers flared, casting dancing shadows that mirrored my actions.

"What rumours are you speaking of?" I demanded.

Their voice remained steady, "Figure out yourself. You're smart enough for that, aren't you?"

I sighed, trying to keep my composure. My gaze fixated on the figure in front of me.

"... I'm leaving."

Sensing a power shift, the figure leaned forward, the minimal light catching a hint of their eye.

"For someone so 'innocent', you seem quite defensive, Miss Anastasia."

I took a steadying breath, refusing to let this stranger rile me, "If you've brought me out here to spout baseless rumours, then you've gravely miscalculated." I raised my chin defiantly, "Your tales won't unsettle me... And don't compare my family to those fakes."

I left the mysterious buyer behind, and the cold night air prickled against my skin. I walked through a narrow alleyway, lost in my musings.

"How dare they compare my family to fake sellers... How dare they question my family's righteousness! Why would they even ask for a Death Crystal? Those things are illegal and punishable by death; it could even go as far as razing their family completely! And they expect me to own one?!"

Reaper: The Archon of DeathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant