Chapter 9.2: Outside the Village Part 3

Start from the beginning

Arisu's peculiar habit of leaping onto my bed only to promptly bounce back down like a spring-loaded gazelle remained a mystery.

"So you woke me up, but not Kei?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I did."

"... You're really making me not want to do this."

I opened the door and stepped into the hallway with Arisu.

"Why though? You're my minion, and you'll listen to me."

She demanded, crossing her arms.

"Not before eating; I don't. And besides, I'm not your minion."


As we descended the stairs, I spotted Kei sitting in the inn's common room, patiently eating breakfast.

"Oh, so he is awake."

Arisu whispered to herself, her eyes fixed on Kei as he ate his meal.

"So, what's the plan for today's exploration, Arisu?"

I asked, trying to balance curiosity with the urgency of satisfying my hunger. Arisu grinned in response.

"Oh, you'll love this! There's a library in Mythril Haven with ancient scrolls and—"

"Please don't ramble on. I'm trying to eat."

Kei paused Arisu before her rambling became infinite.

After we ate, Arisu instantly jumped up from her chair, startling the other Hybrids.

"I'm done; time to go!"


"Time. To. Go."

Arisu persistently pleaded with one of her usual creepy smiles; her light-blue hair mirrored her mood.

Finally giving in, I agreed to explore Mythril Haven.

As we ventured into the hidden corners of Mythril Haven, Arisu's excitement bubbled over.

However, my attention kept drifting back to the green crystal mentioned in the orc memories.

I opened the door, and the bustling sounds of Mythril Haven greeted us. Arisu skipped ahead, her radiant light-blue hair drawing attention.

The town's hybrid inhabitants went about their daily routines, casting curious glances our way.

"Where to first, Arisu?" I inquired, following her lead through the lively streets.

Arisu twirled, her excitement infectious. "Let's check out the market, Lyssa! There might be exotic items."

Kei intervened.

"Arisu, how long do you—"

Arisu silenced him with a glance and an eerie smile.

"Kei, respectfully, shut the fuck up."

I exchanged a glance with Kei, who shrugged in response. Following Arisu's lead, we headed towards the bustling market. Arisu's light-blue hair drew attention as we navigated through the lively streets.

As we approached the market square, Arisu's eyes widened with anticipation. "Oh, Lyssa, you're going to love this! There's a peculiar stall that sells enchanted trinkets."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite myself. "Enchanted trinkets? What kind of items are we talking about?"

Arisu's grin widened, and she pulled me towards the stall. "You'll see! this way!"

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