Stop playing tricks on me

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"What are you saying? Get the hell out of my sight. I know you are not real. Stop playing tricks on me."

I somehow managed to get on my feet and ran inside

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I somehow managed to get on my feet and ran inside.

"Emrin? Where were you? Are you ok man?"

"He looks pale and fragile. I'll get some water."

"I- Where is Jeremy, Mark?"

"Jer- Jeremy?" Joseph hesitated.

"Yeah. Jeremy. Let me just call him."

To my surprise, I couldn't find his number nor his calls and texts that we had when I was with my mom.

"What nonsense? What kind of sick joke this is?"

I left the club to leave for my home, whilst my friends kept asking me to wait

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I left the club to leave for my home, whilst my friends kept asking me to wait.

The another shock I got was, when I saw my furniture covered in dust, and the spider- webbed walls. The room Jeremy was staying in looks untouched for an year, nor can I find his belongings.

 The room Jeremy was staying in looks untouched for an year, nor can I find his belongings

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"Emrin. What's wrong? You scared us all."

"Ana, I swear Jeremy was with me all these days. He- He can't be dead."

"Ok breathe, breathe."


"Hush! Emrin. We all are with you."

"Yeah, man. Lay down for a while."

It was all a lot to take in. I laid on my bed and I don't remember when I fell asleep. I guess my brain needed some rest after massive shock I received last night.

"You're awake. Here, I made a cup of coffee, you'll feel better."

         "Th- Thanks, Ana

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"Th- Thanks, Ana. Where are others?"

"They had to leave for some important work, they've asked me to look after you and keep updating them."

"Th- Thank you."

I was hoping everything I saw last night to turn out to be some dream, but when I saw Ana it reminded gave me a reality check.

"H- How did Jeremy die?"

          "I know it's hard for you," she sighed, " do you remember the night when you bought the ring to ask Delanay to marry you?"

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"I know it's hard for you," she sighed, " do you remember the night when you bought the ring to ask Delanay to marry you?"

"The night when Delanay died?"

She looks surprised.

She looks surprised

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"NO. Nothing happened like that. Delanay is alive. You didn't even reach there."

As soon as she said that, I saw weird flashes. It was all in pieces, but the solid memory I got was me touching the floor only to get my fingers painted with warm viscous blood.

 It was all in pieces, but the solid memory I got was me touching the floor only to get my fingers painted with warm viscous blood

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And what's scary is that I feel like I have witnessed the same feeling of blood twice. Once on the night of murder and second time in- in the Leviathian Temple.

*Door bell rings*

"I'll get it Emrin."

"Delanay? Oh! Parker is here too."

"P- Parker?" I was shocked.

          "P- Parker?" I was shocked

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