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Silently apologizing to her neighbors despite the red hot rage burning through her blood. She felt stupid. The constant loop of sympathetic states Tina would throw her way every ten minutes as she sat in the same waiting room chair.

Her ass was beyond numb from the firm unbolstered chair she'd spent the last hour in. The large bags of food from her dad's favorite restaurant had run cold. Her head was pounding from the buzzing white hospital lights, and Tina's never ending clicking of her pen, and the acrid fumes of disinfectant, and her bun that somehow felt like it tightened at the top of her head and practically began to scalp her.

After throwing down the bags of uneaten food and her keys on to the counter, Freya immediately began to tug her hair free from the hair tie and strip off the tight fit denim that dug into her hips. She just wanted to factory reset all of her senses and emotions, shaking out her hands to try and keep her meltdown at bay.

Her phone began to buzz on the counter top, a cute photo of baby Freya with her arms wrapped tight around a younger James' neck with huge smiles illuminating the screen. She pulled in a deep breath at the sight, held it while counting to five and the released on a count of ten. She walked over, clicking the 'reject' button on her phone and locking the screen.

Today was not her day.

She almost lost her composure again at the sight of her phone lighting up with a text. But the name staved off another outburst. Or rather, lack there of.


2:02: hey freya :) it's camren

2:02: I hope this isn't weird,
aron gave me your number

2:04: the guys wanted to have a
little get together tonight, and I'd
love for you to be there :)

A combination of emotions bubbled within the already overwhelmed girl. Relief that it wasn't her father badgering her after ditching her, excitement at seeing Camren's name light up her screen, and disappointment it wasn't Liam inviting her instead. Her internal battle was a brutal one; one side of her wanting to curl beneath her brown comforter and sulk in the sour outcome of her once promising day and the other screaming and begging her to not accept defeat yet and take the chance for a turn around.

Eve had gone radio silent, so asking her for advice was off the table of possibilities at the moment. Freya presumed she had snuck in a midday nap with her feline, relishing in her day off of work. Freya stared at the screen for a few moments, seemingly frozen in time.

2:08: what kind of get together?

The three little dots began typing immediately as if he too sat staring at his phone while awaiting her response. She took the second to add him as a contact into her phone.


2:09: just a few drinks and games at ours

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