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strolled through another aisle of the supermarket, leisurely pushing the cart. Aron chortled, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. Freya turned her head, wearing a grumpy frown. "What's so funny to you?"

"You're trying too hard. It's obvious." She stopped walking, placing her hand on her hip as she still mean mugged her ever annoying cousin.

"What are you talking about?"

"Relax, Freya. It's just a grocery store." He places a hand onto her shoulder, shaking slightly. "Not a single one of these people are paying attention to you or what you're doin'."

"It's not even that, it's the stupid bright ass buzzing lights and the repetitive beeping and the music that is far too loud to be playing in a grocery store of all places." She pulls her shoulder away and starts to continue down the aisle. She stops when she sees a group of people standing and blocking the entire end of the aisle; all stood leant over their carts with their backsides out as far as they'll reach, laughing as loud as their voices will allow them.

"And the fact that apparently every other aisle is a fuckin' high school reunion. Just exchange numbers to meet for lunch like a normal person. Although, I mean, let's be honest here; none of them actually want to talk to one another." She scoffs, pivoting the cart around and rolling it over Aron's toes in her haste.

"Oi! Watch where you're driving that thing." Aron sassed, shaking his foot out. Freya rolled her eyes, no longer hiding her urgency to get the hell out of this supermarket.

"Don't act like that actually hurt you. I've seen the shit you and Liam throw at one another." Aron grumbles under his breath, following behind Freya once again. "Also, cutting to serious cousin talk here, what's goin on?" Freya glances over her shoulder at him, concern shimmering in her earthy eyes. "You're talking and being an annoying little shit like usual but you've got these sad puppy dog eyes. And I don't think I've ever seen you willingly give up time with Eve."

"I just haven't had some time with my favorite cousin in a while is all. Am I not allowed to miss you and want to spend time with you?" Freya stops the cart again, turning to him with narrowed eyes.

"What happened with you and Desmond that night?" She pries. Aron laughs, pushing a hand out in her direction.

"That's big kid talk, don't worry bout it." He continues past her now, trying to avoid the impending insistence that comes with a concerned Freya.

"Ohhhh, no you don't." Freya jogs to catch up with him after grabbing a loaf of bread from the shelf and tossing into the seat of the cart. "First of all, there is no way in hell you tried to use the "big kid talk" on me. And second of all, you are NOT getting away from talking about this. It had to have been bad if Liam AND Camren ended up at my place for the night and you're avoiding Eve."

"It's nothing that hasn't happened before. Liam and Camren just actually had a scapegoat from the house this time." Aron shrugged, avoiding Freya's gaze. He chewed on his bottom lip, something Freya had only seen him do a handful of times when he's anxious.

"Which actually.. speaking of.. you quite enjoyed that didn't you?" Aron smirked, turning to look back at her to catch the flush of her face.

"What are you talking about?" He smiled brighter at his successful change of subject.

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