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Freya and Eve spending the majority of their free time at the boys' home. Even on days all the boys were in the studio, the pair of girls would regularly meet at the home to hang out and/or help tidy up the space. Freya had also insisted on taking up the grocery shopping for the boys as they always went overkill and she knew exactly what her and Eve would indulge the most in.

Camren was in the kitchen cooking the breakfast for dinner Freya had puppy dog eyed him for, though she didn't really need to. The shared kiss just days prior had done the poor man in. He was already entranced by the blue haired girl the moment he'd set eyes on her, but somehow the kiss they'd shared had increased it tenfold. Not to mention the peaceful evening they'd shared after their blood bag trip for the hangry Liam. Their banter flowed easily and they'd quickly found comfort leaning against one another as they watched Sucker Punch later that night.

Eve had joined Camren in the kitchen, fascinated by his love for cooking despite his lack of a need to eat. Desmond was holed up in his room, doing whatever the moody male seemed to do when he would lock himself away for hours after recording. Liam sat on the couch aggressively pressing buttons on the controller running around in Warzone while Freya sat outside with a book in hand. Or rather, tried to read.

The cool fall breeze paired with the heat of the sun made it the perfect reading weather. She sat with her feet propped on the edge of the table and her book leant against her legs. One hand would turn the pages as she went while the other nurses the vape she would occasionally take drags from.

Aron sat across from her at the table with his own feet propped against its edge. He kept glancing at her over her book every so often, staring with a quizzical look in his eyes. He would only look away when she glanced up and met his eyes. By probably the millionth time, Freya caved.

She let out a big sigh, placing her bookmark and dramatically closing her book. She placed it on the table, swapping her vape for her pack of cigarettes. "So are you just going to keep staring at me or are you gonna spit it out?"

"I just..." He says, shaking his head as he looks away. "What are you doing, Frey?"

"What do you mean?" She inquires. The wind is just enough she has to cup her hand around the flame to get it lit.

"Liam and Camren." He says, but there's softness to it. He's unsure how to navigate both this conversation and the situation with his ties to both sides. Freya's demeanor shifts immediately, a confliction eating at her stomach.

"What do you mean "and Camren"?" Freya can't help the bite in her words.

"What do you mean and Camren." He mocks her, throwing a stank face her way after. "You know exactly what I mean, Freya. Less than a week ago I face-timed you and he was shirtless on your couch with you." Freya scoffs rolling her eyes.

"My apartment was warm, I forgot to turn down the heat when I left for work." He stares at her incredulously. "Aron, I'm serious!" She throws her hands up at him, feeling her chest rise and fall faster in anger.

"What was he doing at your apartment in the first place?" Aron presses, growing frustrated with Freya.

"What is that even supposed to mean!? What do we all do right here at this house all the time?! THAT EXACT SAME FUCKIN THING YOU DIMWIT." Freya's hands are flying around now.

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