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Or do you think you can keep her a secret forever?" The tall blonde spoke as he cautiously wobbled backwards, his grip on the stage equipment as secure as he could make it from the awkward angle he had to carry it in.

"Oh he hasn't told you?" The shorter blonde spoke, walking just ahead of the pair with his bass drum in hand. The man opposite the taller blonde gave a panicked look to the drummer, blue eyes blown wide in worry. "Oh I wasn't supposed to say anything. Right. Whoops." He accelerates his pace to escape the light tension building, not sparing another glance behind himself. Liam, the taller blonde, immediately turns his head back with his mouth agape. He loosens his grip on his side of the amp and is forced to quickly recover before it squashes his toes.

"You told Camren and not me and Desmond?!"

"He told me too." Desmond says, walking past the pair and into the venue (empty handed). Somehow his mouth had dropped even further, complete and utter disbelief overtaking his features.

"He WHAT?!" He stops in his tracks, almost being plowed over as Aron continues to walk forward.

"Will you keep fuckin moving so we can put this shit down?" He barks back, on the verge of just carrying the damn amp himself. Once the pair had finally placed down the amp, Liam stood with his hands on his hips and a disappointed look to Aron.

"You know, I thought we were friends. Practically lovers even." Aron rolls his eyes, using the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead. "What do you not trust me?"

"Not particularly."

"Why in the bloody hell wouldn't you trust me around your cousin?" Camren starts laughing from his place at his drum kit as he begins setting it up. "What is so funny?"

"Mate, sometimes I question which head of yours has a brain in it." You can practically see a lightbulb go off above Liam's head. He raises a finger with a cheeky grin on his face, like he's just unlocked all the answers in the world with one single thought.

"She's hot, isn't she?" He moves to grab Aron by the shoulders, shaking him slightly. "SHE'S HOT ISN'T SHE?!" Another eye roll from Aron and a face palm from Camren. "You just wanna keep her to yourself."

"First of all, ew, she's my cousin." Aron emphasizes. "And second of all, this is exactly why."

"You know, I've heard in some places of America they're actually into that." Desmond walks up to the trio at this time, looking between the three in question before shaking his head as if to say I'm not even gonna ask.

"It's time for hotel check in, venues ordered some food for us when we return. Let's go." Camren stands from his place at his kit, immediately enticed by the idea of food upon their return. Aron is happy to make the quick get away from the mad man that is Liam, jogging to catch up to Desmond. Liam stands still for a moment, rubbing his hands together with a mischievous smile before following the boys out of the venue.

. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .⁺    ˚

Freya is sat at the bar swirling her drink around her clear plastic cup with her straw, awaiting the arrival of her long lost cousin. She'd never admit it out loud but she was beyond jealous of him and beyond angry with her family for not sharing and connecting them sooner. Upon the first few conversations with Aron, she was quick to realize the pair shared the same stupid sense of humor and outbursts of energy. It was refreshing to not feel like a complete black sheep within her family for a change.

"So. you've literally never met him?" Eve asked, looking at Freya with harsh disbelief on her face. Freya's gaze was still pinned to her locked phone screen anxiously awaiting the text that would come with her cousin's arrival. He'd promised to come see her briefly before the show for their first face to face introduction, probably enticed by Freya's comment about getting him a great drink from a hot bartender.

"No! I facetimed him like once or twice a few years back, but we've always just messaged each other. He's never been to the states, so he had a lot of questions." Freya answered.

"Yeah, I can imagine."

"I texted him when we got in here and told him to visit the bar after they load their gear in," she said, opening her phone and checking it while speaking. She couldn't fight the small smile that came from the text from her cousin.


8:22: I'm headed over to the bar now

As if on cue, he approached the bar just behind Freya — dropping his hand atop her head and ruffling her hair slightly. "Don't mess up my hair, you fuckin' ass." She immediately moves to fix the messy strands. "We may not be strangers but this is still a first impression."

"Oh, don't be such a baby and give your dear cousin a hug." He pulls her in, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"Yeah yeah." She chuckled, pulling away and watching his gaze immediately find Eve behind the bar.

"Hello." Freya heard his voice shift when addressing Eve, biting back a knowing smile. Freya looked over to Eve, knowing the panic taking place behind her grey eyes despite her collected presence.

"Hi." The pair shook hands and Freya could have sworn she saw a slight bit of linger in the brief contact. It was over before Freya could throughly analyze it though.

"It's so nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you," Aron said. Freya pulled her bottom lip between her teeth with wide set eyes, immediately diverting her gaze when her friend looked her way.

"It's nice to meet you. Can I get you anything?" Eve responded.

"I'm a beer fan. I'm not familiar with beer here in America, so I'll have to trust your judgment." Freya took that as her sign to check out of the conversation momentarily. She quickly pulled out her phone once more, checking for notifications and habitually sipping on her drink.

"Great head." Freya had tuned back into the conversation, nearly taken aback until she took notice to the beer placed in front of Aron.

"Thanks. I only get good reviews," Eve said back. Caught off guard and finally feeling her body lighten with the effects of her drink, Freya laughed. As if her laugh had reminded him of her presence with the pair, Aron looks down to his giggling cousin.

"And what are you drinking?" He peeks into her glass, leaning forward only slightly to see. "Oh, nevermind, I can smell the coconut from here." Freya sticks her tongue out at him, fully anticipating him to make fun of her for her drink of choice. Instead his eyes dart to the clock hanging behind Eve before reaching for his card. He looked back at Eve with an extended arm, card in hand. She shook her head and waved it away.

"Enjoy the show," he takes a step backwards, before twisting around and disappearing.

"Enjoy the show," he takes a step backwards, before twisting around and disappearing

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