"Freya!" She nearly missed Camren call out behind her. She grabbed for the door handle, ripping it open and quickly making her way into the bathroom. She threw open the lid of the toilet and hunched over top of it.

God, did she hate throwing up. A nice fresh reminder of why she hated drinking.

It wasn't long before Eve was at her side, gathering her blue locks out of her face and rubbing a soothing hand over her back. Once she was finally finished emptying her stomach's contents, she had to admit she was feeling slightly better. Her stomach felt lighter and her head more grounded.

Eve had placed a cool washcloth over her burning forehead, helping her stand once again. She continued to help keep Freya's crazed strands towards her back, running her fingers through some of the spots that had matted. They looked in the mirror and Eve laughed, Freya was mortified.

Her hair was now a frizzy mess, her lipstick was practically all the way down her chin and the tears that slipped from her eyes while throwing up were thick with mascara. She couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, hoping to the gods Eve could help her recover herself from the mess she became before returning to the group.

"Freya, you can not let them see you like this. The type of jokes they'll make?"

"I know...." she paused. Now clearer her mind swirled heavily with emotion. She could feel in her bones that something was just.. off about the men who sat out in the main area. She felt absolutely mad for it, so she asked her friend for reassurance. "Do they make you feel different, too?"

Eve nodded, and continued to carefully wipe the smudged makeup from Freya's face. This confirmation eased Freya slightly, at least she wasn't alone in this feeling.

"Hmm." She hummed, taking comfort in the soft grip Eve had on her chin. "Are we sharing a bed?"

"Duh." Eve said matter of factly, setting the now soiled washcloth onto the counter beside them. Freya smiled at her friend before they made their way back out. As they made their way out, Freya took notice of the makeshift beds placed around the room. One on the couch and three on the floor. The beds were empty.

"Oh. Freya and I are okay with sharing a bed, you don't have to clear two separate ones for us." Eve stated. Liam, whom at some point stripped off his shirt, laughed and plopped backwards on one of the beds with his arms spread wide. He held the same cheeky smile he'd been sending Freya's way all night plastered on his face, his blue eyes once again pinned to hers.

"Why don't we ALL share this bed?"

"Get up, you fucking chav. Stop being a clown, let them sleep," Camren irritably scoffed. His irritation seemed to have increased since having to witness the encounter on the balcony. Freya mentally thanked him for his kind and caring nature.

"They know I'm just playing!" Freya and Eve both laughed.

"See." Liam made a dramatic curtsy, wobbling slightly and winked at Freya. This man was going to be the death of her.

Doing their best to ignore Liam, the girls climbed into the same bed as they had done many nights before. Liam made a makeshift video camera with his hands, pointing it at the girls in bed, and pretended to look through it.

"Aaaand GO!" he cracked.

"LIAM!" Camren barked. Freya couldn't help the laughter that bubbled from her throat, laughing alongside Liam. She settled into the bed next to Eve, snuggling deep underneath the covers as Desmond reached for the light switch.

Her exhaustion was prevalent in the way that in just short moments after the lights had turned off, she fell into slumber.

Unsurprisingly haunted by a particular tall blonde in her dreams.

Unsurprisingly haunted by a particular tall blonde in her dreams

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