Chapter 318

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The only clear path to victory in my mind is taking advantage of the destructive properties of Demonic Energy and the raw power of my mana-imbued strikes, buffed by the Red Hydra's aura, to obliterate the grey energy-filled defenses and land a clean attack right on the main body of the Sector 2 leader.

From what I've heard him yell, he's proud of his creations. So much so, that it seems like he's fully reliant on them.

If I'm only the second person to ever even hit him through his armor, I'm sure he won't see what I have in store for him next. This blind confidence of his will be brought down by a sprinkle of chaos.

He won't expect me to do what I'm about to do next. There's no planning for an attack like this.

I start air-stepping downward, keeping my eye on the glimmering black dagger below me. For maximum speed, I switch my long sword out for my wind dagger and only block with a pink and red mana shield while dodging attacks and sending back small wind blades to deter him from following too closely.

The man yells out as I zip down past him.

"Giving up the high ground so easily? You've made your final mistake..."

He laughs as more of my mimicked wind strikes rain down on me from above.

Even the amplified attacks are easily blocked by my Red Hydra's Aura. The Sector 2 leader may be adding his own energy into the attacks before sending them back, but the mana he's absorbing is still only that of my base form. So, the buffed strength of my full power easily defends this.

The man now towers above me high in the sky.

"Now let's finish this..."

Waves of static fill the air as he propels himself down toward me.

At the same time, I'm falling down to the ground with immense speed, with eyes only targeted on one prize.

Hitting the sandy floor with a thud, and picking up the glossy blade, I reply under my breath.


Now with a wind-imbued dagger in one hand and a Demonic weapon in the other, I jump up off the ground toward the man swinging his sword down at me.

Through the rippling swirling waves of white and grey magic, each one of my previous strikes with the Hydra's Soul energy fully imbued in it has managed to leave small scratches and dents behind.

This isn't nearly enough.

Checking my item storage, I find that the crate of mana crystals I've been draining MP from to power up my stat-boosting buffs and mana-imbued attacks is running low. There's less than a few thousand MP worth of crystals remaining.

A few high-powered mana attacks are all I have left to throw; I need a clear shot without this shielding to make them count.

"It's now or never..."

The Sector leader comes down at me as I accelerate, air-stepping faster and faster into the sky.

I recall Ember telling me that truly wielding Demonic energy takes a lot of time and practice. If Demons and high-powered, ranked-up monsters can wield it while also using their normal mana-imbued skills, then it must be possible for me too.

The conversation between the two Sector leaders flashes in my mind as the perfect imagery of the 25th-floor Black Knight's armor comes soaring down toward me.

He mentioned that those guardians were creations of a mana-born Demon. This further confirms my theory that it's possible but also makes me frustrated at the fact that there is so much I don't know.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now