Chapter 304

711 65 6

He bid 25 gold... for an item only halfway into the auction. This mystery buyer is already making himself known.

As I calculated before, the bundle of stones is nearly 8 million MP, so it's over 90% off the market price. If I were to buy this much in potion form, even with the Dark Continent price discount, it'd take all of my 263 gold. Still, I'm trying to get as many of these essence stones as possible for the lowest price.

A bid of 25 gold for 8 million MP is pushing my limit. If this is the going price, I'd only be able to buy 10 of the same value, averaging about 80 million total MP for the night. Divided by all 5 of us that are looking to absorb it, that brings our total down to 16 million MP each.

It's an exorbitant amount, but it's not the overwhelming advantage that I'm looking to come out of here with. Plus, the bidding hasn't even started yet. This would be the best-case scenario... hoping that this man in the silver mask doesn't bid too much higher.

The announcer speaks, replying to the offer received.

"And we've got our starting bid of 25 gold from Premium Buyer number 1! These items are truly a unique collection of gems, farmed from a collapsing B-Grade dungeon out in Sector 3 following the most recent surge."

The eyes of the crowd down below reflect the green gems' vibrancy as the woman places them on the red velvet display table.

I can't help but notice the fact that the announcer did not go into detail on what exactly these gemstones do. Unlike his in-depth descriptions and stat readings of some of the past items. It seems at the higher-priced portion of the auction, it's more of a 'if you know, you know' type of deal.

He continues.

"Now, let us start the bidding in increments of 1 gold coin."

I raise my paddle, but to my surprise, almost half of the other premium buyers do as well.

The crowd below erupts in whispers as the announcer's voice rings out clear as day in all of our ears.

"That's 26 gold from number 12, no, 27 gold from number 5, 28 from..."

He goes on and on, and the buy price keeps rising higher.

I back out once the price passes 35 coins, observing the event unfold before me.

The buyer in booth number 1 stands out over his balcony while raising his paddle as the announcer accepts a 36 gold bid from the buyer right below me.

The silver-masked man speaks in the same voice he did previously to make his first bid.

"I bid 75 gold."

The room falls silent, but the announcer fills the vacuum in a professional tone.

"Our new highest bidder! Booth 1 bids 75 gold. Going once... Going twice... Three times... and sold!"

After a few sighs from other booths and the excited whispers of crowd members, the green gems are taken offstage, and I'm left in a state of shock.

Whispering under my breath, "This is not going to be as simple as I initially thought..."

I turn to Chester; he's thoroughly enthralled by the gems as well as the woman in the red dress as she walks backstage to retrieve the next item.

As soon as he feels my gaze, the old man realizes what I'm implying and responds.

"Tough competition tonight. It seems there are some other strong parties involved."

I nod while thinking to myself.

Sure, 75 gold for 8 million MP is still well under market price, but it's much worse than my initial estimate. Three times as worse, actually...

I clench my jaw as the next set of shimmering silver swords with 70% strength buffs are all brought out to be displayed.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ