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27 November Sunday

It's been a month now, and Lexa is one month old. Dean has been sleeping over most of the time. Lexa has been pooping a lot, eating a lot, and crying a lot. Barely get any sleep when Dean is here.
Freya has been giving me tips.
The twins are three months old.
Mom is eight months pregnant.
Del made me her made of honor.
Wyatt and Ellie have been coming over to see Lexie.

I was in bed breastfeeding Lexie. After she finished drinking, I got her to burp. I got out of bed and made myself coffee.
I drank it and put Lexa on her bassinet so I could clean.

I finished cleaning and I went to the bathroom with Lexa in her bassinet.
I turned on the shower and got in.

I finished and brushed my teeth. I then bathe Lexi. She's not fond of the water.

She cried the whole time. After I finished we went to my room. I put on lotion on her. I then applied diaper cream before putting on her diaper. I got her dressed in pink onesie and a beanie. I got dressed in black sweatpants, a white T-shirt, and a green sweater.

I grabbed Lexie's diaper bag, her carrier, my phone wallet, and her blanket. I grabbed her and buckled her on her booster seat.

I got to Target and put on the carrier, and placed Lexie in it. I grabbed the blanket and placed it over her, and gave her her pacifier. I grabbed her diaper bag and locked the car. I got food and more baby clothes as I was walking around the baby section I bumped into my mother.

"Devon! I haven't seen you in a while." She smiled at me. "I've been busy." I said, annoyed. Wow, her stomach is huge. "Can I see my granddaughter?" She asked. I removed the blanket, revealing my beautiful daughter.

"She looks like you when you were a baby she said, smiling. I nodded my head. " I really need to get going." I said, not wanting to be around her.

"I'm trying." She said, and I frowned. "I'm trying to be a better mother. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you." She said. "You're forgiven." I said before walking away.

I went to the checkout and then left.

We got home and placed Lexie on her bassinet. I unpacked the stuff I bought and went to the living room with a blanket. I took Lexie and placed her on my chest as we watched a movie.

The door opened, revealing Dean. "Hello, my favorite people." He says, causing me to laugh. "Hi."

I checked the time on my phone. "It's feeding time." I said. I took out my breasts and fed Lexie.

"I'm kinda jealous." Dean said, and I laughed. "Shut up."
"I met my mom at Target. He stomach is huge. She said that she's trying to be a better mom and is sorry for the pain she caused me." I told him.

"Woah, what did you say?"
"I told her I forgive her. All I wanted from her was to be a mother to her children, and now that she's trying, I forgive her, but I won't forget the things she put me and Melissa through." I said. I got sad thinking about my sister. I miss her so freaking much.

I didn't realize I was crying until Dean wiped a tear with his thumb. "I miss Mellie." I said crying. "We all do, but she's in a better place now." He said. Lexie fell asleep on me, so I placed her on her bassinet and fixed myself. Dean laid on top of me, and I played with his hair. "I'm sleepy. I barely got any sleep last night." I said. "Then let's go to your room." He said, and I nodded my head.

We got up, and Dean picked up Lexie, and we took her to the nursery. He gently placed her down and kissed her temple.
I melted at the sight.

We went to my room and laid on the bed. I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep


I woke up to the sound of Lexie crying. Dean went to her. He brought her here and she was calm. "She needed a diaper change." He said. "Thanks for changing her.

We laid in bed and lexie was on her father's chest looking at him with her big green eye. "I know I'm always saying this but she's beautiful, she's perfect." I said as Lexie held onto my finger. "Just like her mom." Dean said and I kissed him.

"I love you." He said smiling. "I love you too." I said and kissed him again.
"I'm going back to work next month." I groaned. "You don't have to if you don't want to." "Actually I don't have a choice. I need money to pay rent and take care Lexie and I." I said.

"I can give you money and pay rent." He offered. "No I couldn't make you do that." I said. "But I want to. I want to take care of you and out daughter. I don't want you working everyday when I'm here." He said holding my hand with his free hand.
"Okay." I said not knowing how to reply. He kissed my cheek and then kissed Lexie's cheek.

I got up to make something to eat.
I'm going to cook pasta.

I boiled the water in the kettle and took out a big pot. I placed it on the stove and poured the hot water in it. I put salt and cooking oil. I than took out the pasta and poured it into the pot.

I then made the sauce. As I was stirring the pot I felt a hand a snake around my waist. I looked up smiling and saw Dean holding Lexie with his other hand.

I finished cooking and I we ate watching a movie.

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