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"You will never get away with this. They will fight until their last breath you wormhole maggot!" Shouting at the enemy.


"Do you really think that you; how did you say it? Maggots, have no chance against me!" He speaks again.

"As soon as I get out of here; I'm putting a curse on you so bad that your own ancestors will ask why? Because of your greed and stupidity!" Shouting again.

"Look you maggot! Damn do, I like that word; it brings a certain meaning to the word." The Emptiness comes close to me, only for me to glare at him.

"You just wait; they will beat you! When they do you will regret it forever coming here!" Shouting more.

"Goblin; no one has ever beaten me in the millennia that I have been alive. I will consume everything in my path, and no one can stop me. For don't you know, every time I take life or even a planet; I get stronger and stronger. No one can defeat me. AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH." Saying in an evil way.

"We will see about that! They will fight! You will be a mere muttnis on the bottom of someone's shoe! I guarantee it." Shouting back.

"Let them fight then! I will never see things your way! You should really leave this planet and never come back!"

"If you can't see things my way; I will make you see it my way then." Coming closer.

He was coming closer and closer; I held my head high as what was coming my way with a wicked smile on his face. The Emptiness started going around me like a tornado. Then all I see is darkness.

"These creatures don't stand a single chance with me. Everything will be mine! MINE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


I have been searching for something called a Wailkas. From reading on them, from the books and scrolls they seemed like amazing creatures. The creatures are really tall and lanky, light paled skin. Seeing their forms in the books, you could see all the bone structure almost like a skeleton or maybe they are sticking out. It was hard telling from the pictures. Their ears were like bats, but bigger and long ass tail made of hard armor type skin, making it hard to pierce through. Their faces being squished like a bulldog.

Everyone that I have talked to said "that they were really hard to catch, and they were extremely fast like a cheetah". Well, you know what; I'm faster. With my powers being restored, having Torcha's speed to add to my own. Then mating with Leo; the wailkas think they have a chance. 

Nope I don't think so; not today, Satan. Kind of felt like I was herding cattle or wild horses or something with the way everyone was talking about them. It was strange but felt totally natural.

"What are you thinking about, my love?" Leo asking.

"Nothing really, just making myself prepared for this. Torcha, says it's important that I get a wailkas; that if we can get one of them; we can get all of them on our side." Explaining my thoughts.

Leo grabs my hand, squeezing it lightly, with a smile on his face.

"Baby you got this. I know you do." Leo says with encouragement giving me a kiss on the cheek.

We walk up the mountain again. Again, you ask.? Because my clumsy ass slid down it twice from my footing being bad and the ledges are super thin to begin with. It sucked, my ass is so sore, I'm going to have Leo rub that bitch for a week, with how bad it hurts. Besides, how often do you climb the side of a mountain? Don't judge me, okay?

Luna from the Pastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن