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Tapping my foot nervously and rubbing my temples; trying to wait patiently for my precious wood fairies to return from a mission that I sent them on. Every time I sent them on a mission; I always felt like a wreck. Down on Zulza, these fairies were unpredictable. I never know what is going to happen. Which makes me a nervous wreck. 

The mission is to look out after Star and to report to me if anything drastically happens, since Lola had revived her; and I may or may not of had a part in what happened. That was going to be a fun one to explain. I'm just worried; they have been gone for quite some time now. My fairies are never late reporting to me, it's been a few days.

Deciding a walk would do me some good. Getting up from my pink fluffy loveseat, I start walking around trying to clear my mind. Going around the willow tree, letting my hands feel the life in it, the ages it's been around, the secrets it would never tell. Sometimes coming here, helps me think. Turning around on the other side of the trunk, I stopped in my tracks.

"Torcha, what are you doing here? Why aren't you in Zulza watching over Star?" Looking at her with a concern and worry.

Torcha shouldn't be here at all. She's part of Star's soul. When I was creating Star, I ripped a small part of her soul making Torcha, so she could protect over here. She is like a tiny person for Star; making her just fierce and one of my strongest wood fairies, I have ever created, because she is a part of Star. Like how Leo has Hades. Same thing just not a wolf. Something isn't right. If Torcha is here than......... Oh no! Looking down at Torcha, she had her head bowed.

"Your Majesty." Torcha says with her hands folded in front of her.

"Torcha?" I didn't know what to say, I was in shock.

"Star is here, your majesty. I brought her here. She's been searching for you for a little while now, with the answers that only you hold. Goddess, Star and I are reunited now. We ended up being captured from the muttnis and Star tried everything to save us. I have failed you, my Goddess." Torcha covering her eyes, crying, falling to her knees. Saying everything in one breathe.

Kneeling down to her; I lifted her head up slowly, so I can look into her eyes with a mother's smile on my face. Torcha thought she failed me? Non-sense. Torcha is one of my best wood fairy warriors I have ever created. Every time Star, would learn something in a new life, so would Torcha. Only being slightly different from each other. No one would know unless they were really looking. 

Honestly, it even took me a few centuries to figure that one out. Torcha would tell me she would have a dream and go with it to see if she could do it; thinking she was crazy for the longest time. She has felt all the pain that Star has gone through in all of her lifetimes. Out of all my fairies, Torcha deserves to be reunited again with Star.

"My dearest, Torcha. You did what you had to do child and there is nothing wrong with doing a right. You were bound to be reunited with Star at some point in time. I suppose that time is now. We both knew that this time would come, my dear Torcha." Telling her.

Torcha looked at me like I had grown ten heads. It was the cutest thing ever.

"Torcha, you have never failed me. You have made me so proud. Even the things that you have been through, the woman you have become in this millennia, even down to some of the crap you have pulled. I'm still proud of you. Don't ever think for one minute that you have failed me, when you have not." Looking into her eyes, meaning every word.

Wiping her tears away from Torcha's face, there was a new fire behind those eyes of hers.

"Guide Star, my child; help her when she needs it, right now; she needs it more than ever, show her what you have learned." Pulling both of us up off the ground, we stand.

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