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Well, I know that they are on a mission, they could really use my help. I mean; I know that I am only 116 years old and all; but I am a very powerful witch thanks to my mom and a few others with their training and dedication to teach me. It made me the person that I am today. I couldn't be happier. 

Recently, I have been working on a new healing spell. Something that would heal the sick quicker or even the badly injured at a rapid rate. But, every time I tried... 


Though, every time that I try to do this blasted spell, it literally blows up in my face. I really don't understand, what I was doing wrong here. I know that I have everything right, so what the hell is the problem then? Looking around my lab; it was blown up again. What a mess, again. I will deal with this later. Maybe a mission would help clear my mind a little bit.



So, I'm going to need this and this. Oh, better not forget that. Let's grab a few of these and those. I will just put the marble back later. I placed it in one of my pouches that I had on me. Grabbing my medicine bags just in case it is needed. Putting my cloak on, grabbing my staff; I started to head out. I just needed to follow my packs scent. Heading toward them but at a super safe distance to not get caught. I really didn't want to be scolded by my big brother and mate.

My mate being the all-handsome CJ Beta from our pack. Yep, could you imagine my families faces when they found out that one. Honestly, I thought that my brother Leo was going to kill CJ after he found out the news. LOL. Eventually they beat the hell out of each other and got over it shortly afterwards. 

CJ, lost of course, going up against my big brother. That's because my idiot brother is an Alpha with a punch to pack behind it. So, more power, followed with more strength. I didn't think it was a fair fight. But, in the end, it worked itself out. They have been best friends since they were pups. So, they would have made up anyways.

Personally, between you and me, my brother was taking it easy on CJ, because they are best friends. Anyways back to my task of not getting caught. I guess, I better not get caught if I don't want to see their wrath, if they found out I was out again.     

Climbing a tree; I needed to see how far the pack was. I use this, to jump from branch to branch, staying well hidden in the tall trees. As soon as I jumped down from the trees, I was on high alert. 

All of a sudden, I could smell a foul odor of rogues. The sweet smell of death and rotten eggs. Great. Just great. Just what I ordered for a midnight snack. Yum, death and rotten eggs my favorite. NOT! (Note the sarcasm.)

Not what I came here for; but I guess, it is part of the job, I suppose. Rolling my eyes lazily; I look at the filthy creatures. The poor soulless monsters that they are. Smiling, at them, I took my hand using some powder from one of my pouches, I started blowing it out of my hand all around me, making a circle; making me disappear. Well, not really just a distraction on my end. Making the rogue's sneeze like crazy; I took that as they were preoccupied.

Taking my staff twirling it around, I hit the button on the side making a blade come out of the end of it; with it dipped in wolfs bane and a chemical called ultra silver. That combination alone it deadly by itself. That's why there is a button so that no one gets hurt. It keeps everyone safe. So, settle down, okay.

Stabbing both wolves, with such grace it was like a ballet dance to me twirling around and in the air. Landing on my feet with a grin; totally satisfied with what I have done. Turning my attention around to the other wolf that was there.

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