Chapter 49 (healed bruises)

Start from the beginning

"I want a baby and not tomorrow, not next week, not next year I want it now. I want a baby." I rolled my eyes. "Sorry Ari but I don't want that."

"Why? Why don't you want to have a kid with me?" I sighed. "I do want to have a kid with you. But-" Ariana cut me off. "But what? Do you think I wouldn't be a good mother?"

"No," I spoke silently. "Do you think I'm not responsible enough or do you not trust me to be the mother of your child."

"I do I told you I want to have a kid with you. Just not now."

"Why?" Ariana's yelled out and her voice began to crack. "What does it matter." I put my hands into my robe pocket I was starting to get annoyed.

Why did Ariana want to have a kid so badly when we're not even married yet? "It's our future Y/n how could it not matter." Ariana got out of the bundle and blankets and out of bed. My eyes fell to her naked body.

God dammit Y/n right now was a serious matter your no better than a man.

"I just don't see why you want to have a kid right now so bad."

"Because I love you Y/n and I want to have a family with you. Have you not realized how happy you make me." Ariana took my hands. "And the thought of creating something with the person I love so much just." Ariana's voice cracked. "Fills me with so much happiness."

She gently caresses my cheek filling my stomach with butterflies. "Don't you feel the same way?" I sighed.

"What if. What if our child doesn't come out properly what if there is something wrong with them and then it turns out to be my fault."

"If I have a child with you no birth defect could make me hate that child." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Even if they're born with something they're not supposed to have."

Ariana stared at me puzzled and I simply pointed to my dick. "Did you forget Ariana I'm not supposed to have a dick. I'm some weird freak. I'm a walking genetic mutation."

"You are not a freak Y/n you are beautiful and perfect just the way you are." I felt a sour taste in her mouth. "Well, my parents would beg to differ." I cover my mouth.

I fucking slipped up.

"What do you mean your mothers love you." Silence filled the room and I couldn't dare to look at Ariana. "Oh no Y/n are you adopted." I hugged myself I could feel tears starting to bubble over in my eyes.

"Why didn't you ever tell me."

"Why! Would it change the way you see me!" I accidentally snapped at Ariana. "Of course not but I would have still liked to know." Ariana hugged me I felt my chest tighten.

I hated thinking about how my parents gave me up because they thought I was a freak. So I pushed it to the back of my mind and promised to never think about it.

But whenever I thought about having kids of my own I was always reminded of my birth parents. And how they thought their child was a freak and didn't want to deal with me anymore so they tossed me into the foster care system.

But I'm a tad grateful for what they did. Because if they didn't give me away I wouldn't have met my mothers who love and cherish me.

"When my parents found out their son was also their daughter they were disgusted with me. And decided that they didn't want me anymore. So they gave me away and put me into the foster care system." I felt tears start streaming down my face and I started sobbing.

"And I'm afraid that what I am is hereditary and that I'd taint our beautiful child and make them a freak."

"Y/n L/n you are not a freak. And if you are one then I must be a monster." Ariana cupped my face and wiped away my tears. "You are the most kindest and caring person I've ever met. Even when I treated you like shit and was practically abusing you, you forgave me and gave me more chances than I should have ever had. And because of that, I'm a better person."

"Y/n I love you so fucking much everyone loves you. You are so amazing and everything you do is amazing. So please before you break my heart stop talking about yourself like this." I started laughing but soon those chuckles turned to sobs and hugged Ariana back.

Slowly she rubbed my back comforting me. "It's okay my love. Cry as much as you want on my shoulder. After all, you let me do it all the time so it would only be right if I did it for you."

Opening my eyes I saw that I was in bed and I had a massive headache. Was it all a dream (imagine that. But no I'm not a bitch)

"Hey, sleepyhead." I looked up from my hands and saw Ariana walk in with a plate. "got you breakfast it's your favorite." Gently Ariana placed in front of me a fried egg and bacon sandwich but instead of bread it was hash browns with a small cup that looked to be filled with syrup

(That is actually what I eat most mornings. How am I alive I don't know.)

"How did you know this how I like my breakfast." Ariana kisses my cheek softly and gets up from the bed. "I called your mother."

I looked down at the sandwich in its full glory and yet I wasn't hungry for it. "Did what happened last night happen."

Ariana slowly nodded her head. And I felt a stray tears run down my face. "We don't have to have kids now. I was being selfish and stupid I didn't even think about what you wanted."

I smiled which made me feel a bit better. "Thank you, Ari." Ariana kissed my forehead gently. "I love you." Looking at Ariana in her gorgeous brown eyes I felt like I was melting.

"I love you too."

The end

Im kidding there is like three more chapters left

This chapter had me crying while I wrote it but sometimes sad things need to happen. Also I wrote this shit up quick.

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