Chapter 7: Tension in the Night

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"And it doesn't end there..." Themistonoe's expression grew serious as she continued. "Kyros mentioned more people who suffered terrible fates because of this scroll. Intelligence and knowledge offered no defence against the horrors it contained."

"One archaeologist from Athens, confident in his intelligence, dared to remove the binding. But within moments, he went into a frenzy, tearing at his own flesh. Five men struggled to hold him down as unseen forces attacked his mind."

"For two weeks, he suffered, unable to speak—empty and broken. A priestess once believed that the markings on the scroll held prophecies that would elevate her status. But after performing rituals under the moon, the entire village was found the next day in a scene of unimaginable carnage."

A solemn silence fell over the group as they pondered the weight of these ominous signs. Scholars, clergy, and innocent people had all met gruesome ends because of the mysteries within this scroll. What dreadful fate awaited anyone who unleashed its dark powers into the night without caution?

Themistonoe's expression brightened, a glimmer of hope appearing in her eyes. "There may still be hope, my friends, if we proceed carefully."

In response to their questioning looks, she continued. "Before he died, Glaukos' son saw a phrase along the edge of the scroll, almost hidden by stains."

From her bag, Themistonoe produced the parchment where she had written down the phrase. "'Ki-ur Kakkabu,' that's what he said," she pondered aloud. "Out of curiosity, I looked beneath the bindings to examine the faint writing..."

She paused, deep in thought. "Underneath the bindings, among the old bloodstains, I could make out Greek letters forming the same syllables: 'Ki-ur Kakkabu.' But I wasn't sure because the ink had faded to match the colour of the stain perfectly. Did my eager eyes create patterns that weren't really there?"

Her expression became thoughtful. "There seems to be a message or meaning hidden within that phrase, but I can't understand it clearly when I need to the most. Friends, I seek your advice on how we can uncover the clues they hold while protecting our minds and spirits from the captivating evils that even past lives couldn't withstand."

A reflective silence fell upon the group as each person contemplated Themistonoe's question. The danger associated with such mysteries gave their curiosity a sombre weight.

"This word from the scroll troubles me," Mnesarete spoke up. "Ki-ur Kakkabu—I have spent countless hours in the archives of Athens, yet I find no mention of this language. What other mysteries may remain locked away?"

"If a language has never been written, how could we ever unravel its secrets?" Chrysomallo wondered in a soft voice. "And if even the most learned scholars are oblivious to it, what unspeakable horrors might its uncanny verses hold?"

Ikkos shook his head. "My ancestor braved many dangers to delve into cursed texts. Why then was Glaukos afflicted if the knowledge that banished my ancestor remains beyond our understanding?"

Dex pondered, scratching his beard. "Words have the power to shape reality for those who understand their importance. But for the unlearned, might they only confuse the mind with mere symbols?"

"Friends, I have more to share that might help us understand this mystery," Themistonoe eagerly announced. She retrieved from her pack the aged clay tablet Kyros gave her.

"Kyros revealed that this tablet also belonged to Glaukos many generations ago," she began. "As you know, strange symbols were discovered on the ghostly hulk shortly after it was found. To preserve these clues for further study, Glaukos made rubbings of the symbols, which now cover this relic's surface."

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