Chapter 1

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"DAMMIT Cas you have to stop popping up every time I turn, you'll give me a heart attack one day." "Something which I can easily cure Dean. And I do not pop up, I fly in please learn the difference before you decide to yell at me." "Ooh, you know what? Blow me."

Sam sighed at the conversation he was over hearing. More often then not when Cas turned up his first warning would come from the sound of bickering if he wasn't it the room. If he was honest it was becoming annoying and he couldn't be the only one bored with the repetitiveness of their conversations. Sam huffed a silent laugh: conversations? That's what friends do, they argue like an old married couple.

Lucky for him he had found a way to maybe put them both to rest.

"Dean will you lower your voice there is no need-" "Don't tell me what to do." "I would not if you spoke to me in a civil manner." "And why should I Cas? hmm." "Dean please, huhh, ooh hello Sam." Sam turned from where he was stood to greet Cas "Hiya buddy, how've you been?" At this Dean let out an annoyed sighed at went to his bag on the bed.

Cas and Sam looked at each other before turning do Dean and asking "What?" They get a muttered "Nothing" which neither decide to pursue. They turned back to each other and carried on their conversation ignoring the moody Winchester who was now slamming things about in the kitchen.

Turns out Cas can stay with them for a little while amd he wants to learn more about hunting. Perfect. Nothing against Cas, he was loved by both the Winchesters like a brother and they all got on and had a laugh, but with him and Dean in close proximity, arguments would be cropping up more than hunts would.

Later on while Sam and Dean are eating, Sam decides to bring it up. "So I found a new hunt. At a councilling retreat thing, not entirely sure what it is but 4 people have died so far." He takes another bite of food as Castiel asks "What else do you know?" Swallowing Sam replies "urm, it's a couples thing and whatever it is only kills one partner and leaves the other. There isn't enough information, we need someone inside." Dean takes a sip of beer before making a contribution "So this son of a bitch kills one partner leaving the other, could be something feeding off the pain of the one left behind? As for someone inside we'll have to see if there is a staff openings for us." He takes a bite of his cheeseburger before adding "I'll check the website after I've finished this." Without missing a beat Sam chimes in with "already checked amd there was one opening, which I applied for and got it. they thought I was basically perfect for the job." This earned him a glare from Dean. "What the hell Sammy, what about me and him?" "Him has a name Dean." "Not now Cas." Sam is now smiling, not able to stop himself "What Sam?" He holds his breath, this is the moment of truth. He almost wants to say nothing because the look his brother is sending him is making him really uncomfortable, but he bites the bullet, gets it over and done with, "Well, urm Dean the thing is, it's a pridecouplescounsellingretreat" he spurts out before taking another bite of his salad, almost laughing at Dean's expression as he realises. What does, however, make him laugh is the way that Dean drops his burger on the floor and doesn't even move to catch it, his brain clearly still trying to catch up with what Sam had said.

"No." "Why not Dean?" "No." "Well im sorry to tell you but the place is already booked, we go on Monday" "No."

"Sam, Dean, I don't understand what is going on here, please would one of you explain" Cas said quietly, not entirely sure what was going on, his head cocked to one side. Without taking his eyes off his little brother Dean replied "Sam wants us to go to a couples retreat." he turns to look at Castiel "together." Cas's features drop as he realises bit he quickly composes himself before answering.

"If it will save lives and help others what choice do we have? "

At this Sam smirked, his brother was trapped in a corner amd couldn't wiggle his way out of this. The older Winchester will do anything to help other people, even if it means pairing up with Cas, romantically.

Dean threw his food down and put his head in his hands before asking "What do we have to do?" This was it Sam thought smugly. Having finished he went over to his bag amd pulled out a box. "You're Castiel and Dean Winchester, married." He pulls out two ring boxes before going on "You've been together for 6 years but you're finding that you are arguing more often than not lately and need you need to sort it out."

Cas carefully opens one of the ring boxes before gasping at the beauty of it. He had always loved humanities way of sculpting things to make them more than what God created. God's creation may have been perfect but in Cas's eyes the imperfections that humans created were the true beauty in this world. In amongst all the tragedies that humanity creates, there are still those that strive to make beauty out of the smallest of things. Castiel loves humanity.

The ring was a simply silver band with two small stones in. A bright blue and a stunning green, his and Dean's eye colours. He noticed an inscription on the inside of the band, in enochian: I need you. The words that Dean had said to him that had gotten through amd saved them both. The feeling Castiel was experiencing was nameless to him as he had never felt it before, but it was breathlessness, completely blissful breathlessness.

He looked up at the two boys who had stopped stare at him when he had let out a gasp. "Sam these are wonderful, truly stunning. You have put a lot of effort into this." Sam smiled a little at the praise before saying "It needs to look as authentic as possible. You think they will do?" "Here let me see." Dean takes the ring from Castiel's hands and inspects it closely. A small smile creeps across his face before he quickly "Is this enochian? What does it say?" "I need you." came Cas's reply, making Dean look up, his mouth open, unable to think of something to say.

He walks towards Cas, takes his hand and slides on the ring before looking up at his face,"I guess we're married until further notice" he smiles. Castiel gives him an answering smile before sliding the ring onto Dean's finger. They stare into each other's eyes before Sam lets out a little cough that brings them back to reality.

"Remember you have to act like a couple who are going through a hard time but want to make it work. You will have to do group activities and couple counselling so that you are not kicked off the course before we have figured this job out and put an end to it" Dean walked away from Cas and went to grab a beer "Awesome." he sighed before taking a long swig. "Freaking awesome. "

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