Chapter 12: V35PR

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"We should be almost there," Vesper says. "If the office's information is correct, Amelia Mus' house should be right around the corner." She glances at Andus, antenna twitching in the air. He usually takes the lead at times like this, but he's been uncharacteristically quiet. Even as they approach their destination, he hasn't said if he has or hasn't noticed anything. "Verlan, are you ready?"

"Obviously," Verlan says, spinning his set of lockpicks on his finger.

"We could just get her sister to open the door for us," Andus says. "We have to go notify her anyway."

"This is more fun," Verlan says. Not what Vesper would have responded with, but it seems to placate Andus. His brow is scrunched up in a frown though, like he's holding in a thought.

"Is something wrong?" Vesper asks.

"I just don't think we should be breaking into the home of somebody one of our officers might have killed. That's all."

Vesper takes a second to process that. It's not a good look, but would prudent investigation not be better? "We have permission from Chief Cardassia as well as Chief Justice Yu."

"It's just-" Andus sighs. "Never mind. It's been a rough couple days."

"Rough how?" Verlan asks.

"The chief wants me gone," Andus says. "She says my past isn't going to reflect well on the new team."

"I wasn't aware you had a past," Vesper says.

"I do," Andus says, not elaborating. "I suspect most of you do as well."

"That," Verlan says, continuing to twirl his lockpicks, "would be wrong."

They walk up to Ameila Mus' front door, and Vesper raises her hand to knock when Andus catches her hand.

"Wait. There's someone inside," he says. "I can sense them."

"Her sister, maybe?" Verlan asks.

"Isadora should not have been notified yet," Vesper says. "I do not know how she would have found out."

"Just in case, I'll cover the back of the house." Andus spreads his moth-like wings and takes off, gliding over Amelia's house.

"Should we knock?" Vesper asks.

"I have a better idea." Verlan bends down in front of the door, examining the keyhole. "Yup... No problem for me." Sliding the lockpicks into the lock, Verlans fingers gently and precisely nudge each pick into the lock, lifting and lowering as necessary. After a few moments, Verlan pumps his fist and the lock turns. "Aw yeah, baby. No problem."

"Allow me," Vesper says. She pushes the door open. "Almagest Investigations! We're coming-"

Vesper flings a hand up, deflecting an arrow flying right towards her, knocking it to the side. In front of Vesper is a female figure holding a shining, golden longbow. A hood sits on her head, and a bandana covers her face, obscuring many of her facial features. "You're Almagest Investigations?" She asks.

"Indeed. We have some questions," Vesper says. "Please lower your bow."

"You're here for me, aren't you?" the woman says. "You're not Almagest Investigations."

"I don't even know who you are," Verlan says. "Would showing you our badge help?"

"So? The one who attacked me sure had a badge, that proves nothing."

"We're not working with the Heavenly Waters, if that's what you're worried about," Verlan continues.

Vesper's mind begins to turn. So this woman was attacked. Vesper clocks the pointed ears, just barely visible under the woman's short, blonde hair, cut in a bob. The arrow is notched in the bow with expert precision, speed, and form; in fact, Vesper had barely begun to take in the scene after her first attack when another arrow had been notched again. And her leg... A bandage peeks out under her pant leg. She's injured.

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