Chapter 1: Morning In Almagest City

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"Late, late, late..." Ex-service robot Vesper hurries through the city streets as her internal clock ticks down. "How can a robot be late to her first day of work?" Vesper thinks, scolding herself. Her magical circuits fire, feeling ashamed that she didn't foresee the excessive amounts of foot traffic this morning. She should have mapped out multiple routes, choosing the most efficient road when the last one appeared to be blocked.

Vesper was hired to be different, to bring a new perspective to the team and usher in a new, safer age to Almagest City. And here she is, late to her first day of work. What an absolute embarrassment.

But part of her is reassured. She's just like everyone else, rushing from place to place, just a little late and stuck in the commute. A far cry from the life she had escaped from.


Most people don't remember their birth, and for good reason. It's a bloody, traumatizing affair as you emerge into the world. Imagine if you remembered how the pathways in your lungs, gills, or whatever you breathe with tore open for the first time ever. The memories never form, disappearing into the void of time. For Vesper though, it was completely clear. As she powered on for the first time, feeling her wooden joints bend and creak, she came face to face with her masters and began to store memories. Vesper noted a woman in a flowing, green Sunday dress, and a casual, yet formal man. Behind them, a young girl looked on. As Vesper's vocal processors crackled to life, she said her first words.

"Model V35-PR, ready for operation. Thank you for purchasing from Velondusk."

The man clapped his hands together in glee. "It really works!"

"You may call me Vesper, designation: Female." The words came to her instinctually. This was her purpose. "Which one of you is my master?"

"That would be me," the man said.

At that moment, Vesper registers the man's face. For the rest of her operational life, she would serve him.

Of course, Vesper didn't yet comprehend how life could change. She felt she had a great many good years serving the couple and their daughter, but the signs of unrest escaped her. The quiet arguments, the glaring stares, the passive-aggression. Vesper saw it, but didn't realize what it meant. All she could do was bring another drink, told that would help.

Then one day, the master was dead. Vesper heard him scream, and rounded the corner to see a hooded figure escape out the window, the drapes billowing. In the room, slumped over, was Vesper's master. The master's wife stood in front of his body holding her coinpurse, which she quickly pocketed, emitting the sound of gold and silver pieces jangling together.

"Master...? What happened?" Vesper asked. There was no response. Only the sound of the wind from outside the opened window. She looked to the master's wife. "What should I do to help?"



"Get out of my house." The woman turned around, and instead of distress or sadness as Vesper had expected, she saw only seething rage. "You are of no use to me anymore."

"I should help. I need to help. Master is--"

"What do you think you are?" The woman asked. "Did you think you were one of us? That I cared for you? No. You are nothing more than one of my husband's overpriced playthings. If I could return you and get my money back, I would."

Hearing those words, something within Vesper breaks. This was a mistake, she's only overwhelmed with emotion. Any moment now, she'll apologize. All Vesper needs to do is wait for the moment to pass.

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