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Chapter 77

Xie Mu was on fire.
This once tepid boy was held up as a talent under the support of Rong Jing.
Although there are internal factors of the company, his strength is also an important reason.

Xie Mu received a phone call, and one of his roles was nominated for an award, and if he can successfully win this award, he will have an additional title of movie emperor on his head in the future.

The teenager was most delighted, even if he entered this circle at the beginning to make money to support himself, but he stayed for so long, how could he not know how rare the title of movie emperor is.
He first shared the good news with his lover.

Rong Jing put down his work and looked at the boy’s soft gaze, “So happy? ”

Xie Mu pulled him downstairs, and the two sat together on the sofa, in front of the TV.
The man smiled and watched the young man toss around, so fresh, not afraid of him at all, and even coquettishly forced him to go downstairs . This was a Xie Mu ,he would never see before.

He did not feel offended, but enjoyed Xie Mu like this very much.

When the boy came out and got into the man’s arms very skillfully, he hugged his arm dependently, and said with a proud look on his beautiful face, “I’ll show you the movie I was nominated for.”

Rong Jing never wasted time on movies in the past, and he always had all kinds of things to use his time for.

But now, feeling Xie Mu’s warm body in his arms, the man smiled fondly, hugged his waist, and looked at the TV with him.

Xie Mu’s acting skills have never dragged him back, even if he was finally with Rongjing and supported by him, he never gave up improving his acting skills.
This movie can be said to be the pinnacle of Xie Mu’s acting skills.

In Rongjing’s eyes, the teenager has always been a sunny and optimistic child, even if the two had had unpleasantness, after he accepted himself, he quickly left those behind.

The smile on his face was brighter than the most brilliant light.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But in this movie, Rongjing saw a different Xie Mu.
Rb, la rtbeiv yf rjlv atja atf gbif qijsfv ys Wlf Ze lr Jtfcuxf.
Lf qijsr j wjc ktb lr gfnlifv ys fnfgsbcf, yfmjerf tlr ojatfg lr j wegvfgfg, tlr wbatfg lr j qgbralaeaf, jcv tlr fzlrafcmf lr j rlc.
Vlcmf mtlivtbbv, tf tjr cba yffc mjgfv obg ys tlr gfijalnfr
, jcv tf klii bcis yf glvlmeifv ys tlr mijrrwjafr ktfc tf ubfr ab rmtbbi, jcv fnfc atf afjmtfgr ktb jgf reqqbrfv ab afjmt jcv fvemjaf qfbqif jgf vlruerafv yfmjerf bo tlr rmgeoos mibatfr jcv vjgx jcv atlc jqqfjgjcmf.

In such an environment, Cheng Ke grew up.
Those foreshadowings before did not bring the slightest fluctuation to Rongjing, even if the acting skills of the little actor who acted as Ke were very powerful, and the tearing appearance of crying was very infectious, his heart was not touched.

Until Xie Mu, who plays Chengke when he grows up, appears.

It is still a face Rongjing is familiar with and a familiar voice, but the whole person seems to have changed into another.
Cowardly, unbearable, timid, afraid of things.

Was bullied by his boss, insulted by his colleagues, and finally got married, but the other party only came to find the receiver because she was pregnant.

Even until Death, the Scum Gong thought I was a White Lotus  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें