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Ch34 - Checking your legs


Xie Mu had not been so happy in a long time. 

Since the death of his brother, his legs had been disabled, and he hadn’t felt happy a single day in the past three years.

He had tried to maintain the Xie family and prepared for their cold weapons. Day and night, he bore the pains in his knees and worried every day that he would not see the sun the next day.

Xie Mu was very tired. He wanted to rest and live like how he used to, going back to the drawing board. He wanted to go anywhere he wanted to go, to see different scenery, to see the most beautiful snow.

But now, he had lost his legs. 

Once he could go anywhere, but now he can only hide in the house. Even going to the hallway to view the snow caused a thorn-like pain in his legs.

This was too bitter. He was a man who had been accustomed to bitterness in the past three years, but once he heard that there could be an end to all of this, his mood was still one of irresistible excitement.

He didn’t notice that the person pushing his wheelchair had become Xie Shi. The youth pushed the man to the room and held him into his arms as Xie Mu waited quietly for Cheng Chuan to pick him up.

“Uncle, if your legs get better, what do you want to do?” The young man bowed his head slightly. His lips were very close to Xie Mu and his hot breath brushed against the pale ear tip that was cold because of malnutrition. After a little while, it became slightly redder with a hidden meaning.

From the point of view of Xie Shi, he saw that the man being held by him was feeling uncomfortable. He leaned away slightly, avoiding his nephew’s burning nose.

“I will probably go North.”  The young man’s hand tightened, but he relaxed his strength so quickly that Xie Mu did not have the chance to notice.

“Does uncle want to go North because of the dry climate? If your legs are better, what else do you want to do?” 

His voice was very calm, like he was just casually chatting, his gentle tone gradually letting the man relax. He replied, “The North has snowstorms in the winter. I have always wanted to see.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xie Mu was a little tired and the voice became slightly lower. It added a new level of softness. “I have always heard that there is a lot of snow, but I haven’t really seen it before.”

Ktf sbeat’r fzqgfrrlbc vlwwfv, yea tlr abcf gfwjlcfv ecmtjcufv. “Gbfr ecmif ilxf rcbk?”


“P’nf jikjsr kjcafv ab vgjk rcbks rmfcfgs. Qf tjnf abb ilaaif rcbk tfgf.” 

Wlf Ze kjr ufcais qijmfv bc atf yfv ys atf sbeat. Lf ifjcfv jujlcra atf kjii jcv ibbxfv ja atf rcbk bearlvf. “Ktlr sfjg’r rcbk rtbeiv yf atf yluufra lc gfmfca sfjgr.”

Xie Shi looked slightly down and helped cover him with the quilt. “Yes, similar to the North.”

The man’s eyes were slightly startled. He looked somewhat vacantly out the window and not a sound could be heard, but Xie Shi still understood what he wanted to say.

“No, it’s far from it.” Xie Shi covered the quilt and raised his eyes. From his angle, he could see the man’s side profile. The long eyelashes reflected in the glass of the window were slightly curled. It felt like his eyes always held a cold gentleness to them. 

Even until Death, the Scum Gong thought I was a White Lotus  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя