55: 'The Solution'

Start from the beginning

I narrow my eyes at it..at this.. thing.

"It does." I spit, my disgust for the inhuman thing growing by the moment. 

"You look so upset!" It muses as it stands. "Don't worry, I really am on your side..up until you're no longer useful anyway." 

"And then what?" 

"I leave you to your own devices..though I imagine without my help he'll slaughter you all." It coos, looking thoughtfully out the window onto the street below. 

"He's killing us already." I sneer. "Unless you plan on killing him with your hoodoo bullshit." 

"I can't." It says plainl, tilting it's head to the side, as if that was obvious. "That isn't how we work." 

"The hell are you talking about?!" I shout.

It smirks a little. "I always forget how hard it is for some one you to understand." It shakes it's head dismissively. 

"Maybe if you explained, we might get a clue." I snarl at the thing. 

"I have explained." It says with a sigh. "I am not a thing of self and labels..explaining more simply would only confuse you more." It rolls it's eyes as it turns to face away. 

"More woowoo bullshit." 

"Not magic..not really..though I suppose you wouldn't be able to tell the difference." It hums, idly looking at it's nails. "Anyway where was I..?" I claps it's hands together, changing the topic.

"Ah yes, I can't kill him." It's un-color gaze falls on me and I once again feel that perverse sense of vulnerability. "But maybe you can." 

"I don't even have magic." I say warily.

"If you did, you couldn't kill him." It says, relishing my confused irritation by the look of it. 

"Are you going to explain or am I gonna keep sitting her with my dick in my hand?" I spit, earning an amused smile. 

"How vulgar.." It coos, reaching into a backpack I didn't even know was there and pulling out what looks like a binder. It toss it, and it slides across the floor to me. 

I reach for it and feel my movement halted. I growl at the sudden unseen force binding me and am forced to look up at the creature as it approaches. 

"Inside this folder is one of the greatest secrets of this world..a truth wrought in reality." It tilts it's head. "None but you and I are to know of this, do I make myself clear?" It asks coldly.

It's playful nature gone. Any confidence I had left melted in the face of this shift in tone. 

The reality of the situation gripped me more firmly then..

"I-I..understand." I spout quickly, almost in a panic as It's eyes shift to colors I forget as soon as I see them. 

"Good boy~." It purrs, it's playful demanor returning as quickly as it disappeared. "Go on then, take a look." 

I reach my hand out, taking a nervous glance at the thing as I pick up the binder. 

" 'The Soultion by ...' " I try to focus on the name, my eyes bluring whenever my gaze falls on it. "By.." I mutter again. 

"Gaster." It says smoothly, an amused smirk on it's face. 

"I don't know that name." I say as I continue skiming the page. 

"I'd have to pull you apart if you did." It coos. "I'd say don't repeat it, but you can't even remember it can you?"

"Of course..I.." I say confidently..as I realize. 

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