34: First Impression

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"I've been here once and I already hate it." Chara whines as the school comes into view. 

I snicker at this and nudge her with my elbow. "It's not so bad." 

She sighs and crosses her arms. "Easy for you to say, you like people." 

Shrugging, I pull the door open, letting her walk in first. "Fair enough." 

"Not a lot of people here today." She says, looking around.

"Yeah, I noticed that too." I agree. 

"Think your friends are here?" 

"I would imagine so." I say simply as we reach the staircase. 

Instead of walking Chara simply floats up beside me. 

"Ugh, that's so fuckin' cool." I grumble. 

"Wish you could be like me huh?" She coos, grinning. 

"Well, your weird soul stuff lets you fly!" I complain. 

"Being a demon isn't exactly soul stuff." She corrects quietly. 

"Care to explain?" 

"I'd rather not, actually." She says coldly. 

I decide to leave it at that as we approach the classroom door. 

I knock on the closed door and lean against the wall beside it. 

Sometimes Alphys is busy and takes a bit to open the door. 

"So what's the plan today [Y/n]?" Chara asks as she takes a spot beside me. 

"Normal school day as far as I'm aware." I say with a shrug.

"Boooo," She whines. "Sooo boring!" 

"You'll live Princess." I say with some amusement. 

She brings her hand to her head, the back resting on the crown of her hair. "I shan't survive this loathsome time!" She says dramatically, her pose matching her voice. 

"You're so extra sometimes." I say with a grin. 

She winks at me, a sly smile enchanting her features. "Yeah but you like it." 

I roll my eyes. "You have your moments." 

The door flings open, cutting off Chara as she opens her mouth to speak. 

"I-I'm here I'm r-ready!" Alphys says quickly, rushing out and looking side to side for students. 

"O-Oh, it's j-j-just you [Y/n]." She say, relief visibly washing over her. 

"Greetings." I reply happily, giving a short wave. 

 "F-f-feel free to come in." She says, smiling back. 

I take her up on her offer and Chara follows suit, sitting on my desk top crisscrossed. 

"There are so many open chairs right now Chara." I give her a deadpan look. 

"Oh no, here's fine." She responds innocently. 

She sways her legs and closes her eyes, getting relaxed as she blocks my view. 

I roll my eyes, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms. "You'll have to move when class starts." 

"Fine fine." She says in a songlike tone.

"When people start getting here I'm not going to be able to talk to you." She opens her eyes at this and looks at me for a moment. 

"I'm aware." She says, the ghost of annoyance in her voice. 

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