55: 'The Solution'

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"That sympathizer fuck's killed dozens of our men and raided nearly 5 outposts and meeting locations and we don't even know how he's finding them!"

He's not the one killing them..not yet anyway..

A smile forces it's way onto my lips before I can suppress it and his face contorts in anger. 

"Something funny?" He snarls, his teeth bared. 

"Oh no, nothing at all dear client." I coo, feeling my amusement widen my already mocking grin. 

"It was your idea to kill those sympathizers and now we've have some fucking Red Hood wannabe slaughtering us at every turn." 

I close my eyes and lean back, letting the angry little man rant for awhile. 

"I'm starting to wonder if you should be the one calling the shots!" He growls out taking a threatening step forward.

Sean Orlandas

"Sean..Sean, Sean." The other man..no..thing..coos, his tone indulgent and almost playful. "You should really watch what you say." It purrs as it pushes itself up from the floor. 

It's stature is unimposing. Average. It's every feature exactly what you would expect. No matter how hard I look, or try to commit it's visage to memory I simply..can't.

"You could hurt someones feelings.." It says with frown, as if hurt by my words. 

"You listen here you fucking freak-" 

An uncomfortable pain shoots jolts me into silence and I clutch at my neck before I even realize what's happening. 

It's hand is casually outstretched towards me, it's smile smug and bored. 

"Practically none of you even have magic." It's voice takes on a lecturing tone, as if explaining something to a child. "You really expect to handle them like that?" 

It's smile widens into a sharp, amused grin. 

"With what exactly, guns?" It giggles as it lowers it's hand, whatever it was doing ceasing for the moment." 

"Caghk!" I hack, as the pressure releases. I gasp desperately for air, trying and failing to say something. 

"Shhhh." Footsteps draw my attention to the freaky little bastard and I feel a sneer on my lips. 

"I'm talking." It says with a friendly smile. "Put your listening ears on." 

As I look at it, our eyes meet. 

I can see the gleaming amusement in it's eyes. 

And it can see me. 

For all I am. 

I know.. for some inexplicable reason, that all I am is laid bare for it in that moment. 

My very being naked beneath it's gaze. 

"What..are you..?" I manage to cough out,

It pauses at this, that same smirk on it's face as it crouches down. 

"I am the result..and the process to what comes after." It says after a moment. "But you meant, am I human, no?" 

"Fuck you and your cryptic bullshit." I spit. 

"..You're brave." It says, it's grin widening. "I'm not human..nor am I a monster, nor anything any between." 

It crouches down beside me. "And I never was." It's smile fades. "Does that answer your question?" 

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