Chapter 47 - Its Okay

Start from the beginning

A few hours later of the doctor and nurses checking on me and Anna overfeeding me, the door to the room bursts open. I sigh but feel kind of happy to see Silas who walks right in with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.

"I see sleeping beauty has awakened." He states with a smirk.

"I brought you roses and chocolate with a get well soon card." He puts them on the chair beside Anna where she immediately takes the chocolates for herself.

"You scared me, fucker." He tells me while looking at the machines around me as if he knew what any of them meant.

"I thought I almost lost my son." Silas puts a hand to his chest like a mother who just had a scare with her child.

Today he is wearing some stupid glasses. He isn't even blind he only wears them because he says they're a good fashion statement and accessory. It's stupid.

"You found me." I state remembering the hazy memory of someone calling my name just as I passed out.

"Yeah." He takes a seat beside Anna, sharing the chocolates with her that he brought for me.

"After I told you not to follow me." I add on, remembering that too.

"Yeah. It's a good thing you aren't my boss and that I don't take orders from you. I obviously followed you because the man you were going to have a conversation with is the same man who wants you dead for taking his money, company, and wife." He explains as if I asked.

"When I saw the men hurry out and Eric walk out with Lucia beating the shit out of him over his shoulder, I ran in. It was obvious that there was something that happened." He continues explaining.

"I helped you out of there and drove you here to the hospital. I called Anna on the way because she needed to be informed." He finishes, throwing a circle shaped chocolate into his mouth.

I suddenly remember Lucia's cries and screams for me. She probably thinks I'm dead and I don't want to imagine what she could be going through. It pains me to know she is suffering with pain.

"How long have I been here for?" I ask, hoping it hasn't been long.

"Two hours." Anna responds, eating more chocolate.

"Silas, I need you to do something for me." I look at him and he motions for me to go on.

"Lucia probably thinks that I am dead. I'm going to write her a letter and I need you to find where she is and then find a way to give it to her."

"Got it. You write the letter and I'll be back to collect it when I have her located and I have a plan." He stands taking another piece of chocolate with him.

"Get better, we need to return the bullet to Eric." He pats me on the shoulder before leaving.

Anna stands from her chair and goes toward one of the drawers. She finds a piece of paper with an empty clipboard and hands it to me with a pen she finds in her purse.

"I'm going to see what they have in the cafeteria. I'll be back in a bit." She for the first time gives me a kiss on the head.

I then watch her walk out and I begin writing the letter to my sunflower.

My eyes have become waterfalls for the past three and a half hours

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My eyes have become waterfalls for the past three and a half hours.

"Lucia, cálmate por favor." Mama stops me from continuing to pace back and forth.

"What's going on?" Papa walks in with my grandmother and Orion.

"Lucia, que te pasa?" My grandmother immediately questions.

I stay quiet because Orion is here, and I don't want him to hear anything of what I have to say. He's also friends with Ace and I don't know how he would react if he knew he could potentially be dead.

"Ven, vamos a comer galletitas." My grandmother walks out with Orion who looks concerned for me.

I know that I probably look a mess, but I don't care, and I won't care until I know that Ace is alive and well.

"Lucia." Papa tries to hug me, but I move away.

"Don't touch me. This is all your fault." I snap, trying my best not to shout because Dahlia is sleeping upstairs.

"Irma, what is happening?" He looks at mama for answers.

"Eric might have killed Dahlia's father." Her words make him look at me with pity and worry.

Papa tries to once again hug me but stops when his eyes land on my neck. He pulls the zipper of my jacket down before I can stop him, and his eyes completely go emotionless when he sees the healing bruises on my skin.

"What's wrong?" Mama asks, coming around to take a look after seeing the way her husband has reacted to staring at me.

She gasps when seeing. A face of horror appearing on her. "Lucia, cariño, que te paso? Quien te hizo esto?"

"My husband dearest." I don't even have the energy to lie anymore.

I zip my jacket back up walking past them, toward the front door. I hear mama run after me as I take a seat on the steps to the house. I need some fresh air.


"I don't have the energy to explain. He's simply a piece of shit. That's the type of person papa sold to me to." I tell her, closing my eyes, knowing that my father is also listening.

"Leave me alone. I want to be alone." My voice comes out quiet.

I feel mama give me a kiss on the head before I hear them leave, going back into the house.

I stay in silence listening to sound of leaves that the winter breeze moves. There is nothing but silence for a few minutes until the sound of heavy footsteps on the gravel break me out of my trance, disrupting my sole moment of quiet. I open my eyes only to immediately stand up when I see Silas walking toward me dressed as one of the guards outside.

"Silas." My hope becomes restored.

"Lucia, it's okay. He's fine." He whispers quickly handing me a folded piece of paper.

He gives me a small smile as I feel him return my soul into my body. I then watch him quickly walk away from me and disappear before I can say anything.

I've never opened up a folded piece of paper so fast in my life.

My beautiful sunflower, I am alive and recovering. I don't know what you might be feeling right now but I know it isn't anything good. Don't cry any tears for me, please. Remember that I love you and that I would never abandon you in such a way without getting you out of that hell you're in first. I need you to be okay and calm. We will see each other again soon. My plans to save you from those people are still going to happen. Please be patient with me, it will be sooner than you can imagine.
I love you, amore.
- Ace

I press the letter to my chest, closing my eyes and taking in the winter air. I feel so relieved. The pain I was feeling has completely vanished. I take in a deep breath, my body relaxing.

He's alive.


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