"Can I be excused now?" I say right as the queen opens her mouth to say something, she looks stunned. She thought I would have cared? When no one answers my question, I just take it as a 'yes' and leave the room.

It's when I pass the cloakroom I get the idea of taking Darius for a ride. When I grab my coat, I spot an empty hook. Victoria's yellow and unnecessary flower decorated cloak is not where it used to be, it's missing. She must be near since she can't move that fast without a horse.

"Can I help you my lord?" I turn around to see my butler, Mr Bennett, perfect posture with his hands behind his back. "No." I turn back around, continuing to grab my coat. "Any word of the princess yet?" He asks yet another question when I've put on the coat.

"No. Now go find something to do so you can stop bothering me." I huff as I push past him.

Once the stableboy has fetched and prepared my horse I get on and signal him to move forward. We move through the gardens with full speed, almost knocking some servants over who were in my way.

Once I arrive at the hills and look out at the landscape I realise how clouded it is today, wouldn't surprise me if a storm was coming up later.

In a flash my eyes catch something when I pass by. Something darkish yellow laying in the grass at the edge of the forest.

I think I recognise the mysterious object and immediately halt Darius. He rears up in response. I make a sharp turn and sprint back. I jump off of his back and that's when my suspicion is confirmed. The familiar fabric meets my hands. Droplets of rain stain the clothing, I guess my prediction was right.

I've found the lost coat but the princess is still missing. Even though I don't feel like it's my responsibility nor do I want to find her, I still make my way into the forest. Out of pure curiosity of what it is she has been doing.

With her cloak in my hands I trail trough the trees, the same spot she nearly killed me just a few days ago.

In the distance I see a small lake, hidden inside the lush forest. When I get closer I realise there is someone inside of it.

It's her. With her back towards me she is about waist deep in the water with her clothes on. Her dress completely drenched, once lavender, now dark purple for the most part.

I slowdown my steps towards her, holding onto a three beside me. It would be very embarrassing if she saw me, I don't want her to think I was looking for her, so I try to be as quiet as possible. I should leave, but it's like something's keeping me here. Not allowing me to leave her out of my eyesight, I almost feel fixated, but I know that could never be true.

It has started raining harder at this point, the rain splashing in the lake.

A branch loudly snaps beneath my boot. My eyes widen as she turns her head a fraction towards my direction, I stare at her side profile in anticipation, but she never meets my eye, she doesn't look at were the noice came from, though I think she knows she's not alone.

She slowly turns back to face in front of her, she lets her head fall back. She is now looking up at the sky. The moment feels very personal, it almost seems as if she's trying to make contact with the lord above directly.

Then she spreads her arms, totally unbothered by the body of water making her clothes heavy or the rain rolling down her body. A loud splash is heard when she suddenly falls backwards and gets absorbed by the water.

Then there's nothing but silence apart from the falling rain. If it wasn't for the ripples disturbing the water, you would have never known she was there moments before.

I hold my breath as I wait for her to push back up. I wait until I can no longer hold it in, I am now panting to replace the breaths I have been holding. It's been too long, why has she not come up yet?

Anxiety courses through by body, I kick of my boots and hurry into the water. I'm slowed down the deeper I get in. I half run- half swim to the place I last saw her. The lake is brown, preventing me from seeing anything from above the water. I dive down, desperately flinging my arms around In hopes of feeling her somewhere. Nothing, I jump up to breathe. I dive down again, still nothing. I run a hand through my wet hair, how am I supposed to find her like this.

I try one last time, I run out of breath but I can't go up yet. If I'm out of breath that means she is too. I need to find her. I feel something touching me, I grab it with my hand, it is soft and cold. I jump out of the water hoisting whatever I was holding up with me. It was her arm, "Thank god!" I cry out. I pull her body up until she's floating on her back. She's all wrinkled because of the water and she is not breathing.

She is not breathing...

I rush out of the water, carrying her unconscious body bridal style. Once I have reached the shore I lay her down on the sand and sit on down on my knees next to her. I have no idea what to do.

My shaking hands grab her shoulders and shake her roughly, in hopes of her waking up. Without success. "Come on Victoria." My voice trembles as I flip her on her side and start patting her back.


No sign of life. I let go of her, shielding my eyes with my hands. I can no longer look at her like this. I have not only failed saving the princess, I have also failed her. I am the reason she is gone and now I am the reason Victoria is gone.

A loud cough disrupts me from my thoughts. She gasps for air as water pours out of her mouth. She can't seem to catch her breath so I start patting her on the back of her drenched dress as I did before.

She turns to me, looking like she didn't expect me to be here. Neither did I princess.

"Nicholas?" She stares up at me with wet eyelashes.

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