Chapter 25

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We stopped in front of the most beautiful church I have ever seen. It stood tall with stained glass in the shape of flowers. I imagined that the large window at the back depicted Jesus. Two guards at the entrance of the church threw open the doors as we approached. They walked down the steps to pick me up in my wheelchair. They put me down gently and moved out of the way for me to see the foyer of the church. My heart skipped a beat when I laid my eyes upon the most handsome billionaire. Harry was standing with his hands tucked into the pockets of his impressive black suit. He had a red rose tucked into his pocket.

He smiled at me and my mouth ran dry. "Hey, Beautiful." He said as he approached me. "Hi, Handsome." I said and leaned my head back to accept the passionate kiss that he offered. Emma gushed over how cute we were while the first two bridesmaids were escorted by Michael's groomsmen. "I'll see you inside." I told Emma with a wink. She blushed with nerves and excitement while nodding at me. I smiled and held the flowers appropriately while Harry took his place behind me. Two security guards pushed the door open that led us into the church. I gasped quickly before composing myself and pushing a bright smile onto my face.

The church has transformed into what looked to be a magical forest. Different color LEDs were set up here and there, making them look like different color fireflies. Artificial trees were standing around the seats and the walkway in the middle looked like a worn hiking path. The podium looked like a tree stump with moss growing up the sides. Through the gap between the leaves, I could make out the ceiling. It was illuminated by what looked like the Milky Way. Harry continued to walk dramatically slow to build the tension. Michael was standing next to the podium with his hands folded over each other. The other two bridesmaids stood ready to the left of the church.

Harry pulled me to a stop next to the other girls before taking his place next to his brother. I saw Fernando in the front row, smiling proudly at me. I smiled back and watched as his head snapped back when the doors were thrown open. A spotlight was on behind her, making her look like an angel. Emma slowly walked into the church. I saw tears forming in Michael's eyes. The doors slowly closed, making the room seem dark. The LED lights seemed to glow brighter as Emma approached the podium. She stopped long enough for Harry to flip her veil open and give her away. Michael took her hand and pulled her closer to him. I saw him whisper into her ear and her smile brightened.

The priest started to read with a booming voice and soon they were promising to cherish and love each other until death do them part. They kissed and everybody cheered before rushing outside. Harry pushed me to the exit and helped me down the stairs before Emma and Michael emerged from the church. We all sprinkled them with golden glittered confetti while they walked to the waiting car. We all went to our designated cars and started to drive in the direction of the after-party. Harry insisted that I drive with him. Sam was in the driver's seat when we finally got in the car. I decided to switch my wheelchairs for practical reasons.

Soon Sam pulled to the side of the road and helped Harry to get my wheelchair out of the car's boot. Harry then lifted me into his arms and looked deep into my eyes before playfully rubbing his nose against mine. My giggles echoed down the street. He turned serious and gave me a tender kiss. "I love you." He said softly and my breath caught. "I love you too." I said and smiled at him. He had a smile on his face for the remainder of the night. I thought that the church was amazing, but Emma really wanted to make a statement. We were going to celebrate their marriage in the Eiffel Tower.

I was grateful for the lift. I couldn't imagine forcing Harry to carry me up so many flights of stairs. When we finally stopped at the top, my breath was taken away again. The view from the modified restaurant was exquisite. To our right were the tables where guests were trying to find their handwritten name cards. Harry and I found our table to the right of Emma and Michael's table. We were seated with Harry's parents. His mother and I talked while the last of the guests arrived. Michael toasted to his beautiful bride before the couple opened the dance floor. I noticed that Emma's parents weren't there and felt bad about asking her, so I asked Harry instead. "They died when she was eighteen. I think it was a fire." He said solemnly. I dropped the topic after that. Emma had her father-daughter dance with Harry's father. I thought it was really sweet.

Harry and I danced once and it consisted of him holding me up and twirling us around until I couldn't breathe from laughing so much. We ate our three-course meal with light conversation. After the waiters took our dessert plates, Harry turned to me. "Would you like to get out of here?" he asked and I smiled while I nodded. Emma and Michael left for their honeymoon in the Maldives right before dessert was served. We greeted his parents before making our way to the elevator. The ride down felt shorter than the one up and soon Sam was loading my wheelchair into the car while Harry and I waited.

"Would you like a tour of Paris or are you a bit tired?" he asked looking at me with what I assumed was adoration. "I'm feeling a little tired." I said and watched his expression. He nodded unaffected and looked to the front of the car where Sam just sat down behind the wheel. "Sam, please take us to the hotel." Harry said and took my hand gently in his. "Would you rather we flew home tonight?" he asked looking to gauge my reaction. I giggled and shook my head at him. It looked like he only wanted to please me.

"I don't mind. I would really like to see Paris." I said and he nodded. "We'll go sightseeing tomorrow." He said with finality. He looked satisfied with my choice and I couldn't help but smile. "I assume you love Paris." I said and watched as he turned his gaze to me. "Not as much as I love you." He said and kissed my cheek. The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. "I love you too." I whispered and rested my head on his shoulder as Sam drove us to the hotel.

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