Chapter 7

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The car gradually came to a stop and Trevor hopped out to open Michael's door. I started to reach for my door handle with my free hand. "Let me." Michael insisted and got out. I watched him walk around the car to my door. He opened it and offered me his hand. After closing the door behind me, I expected that he would retake my hand. I was wrong. He carried his briefcase between the two of us and puffed his chest out a little. He let me trail behind him to the elevator. I must've looked like a lost puppy and the idea alone angered me, but I would not show it. I was here to work, not to get cozy with my employer.

He held the door for me and I walked in with the thought that I was going to be professional from now on. The thought didn't last long. As soon as the doors closed, he had me pinned to the elevator wall. His lips crashed onto mine with a hunger that seemed insatiable. I felt heat pool in my stomach and the butterflies were set free. The elevator pinged and he pulled away from me as if I had burned him. He composed himself while the doors opened and let out a breath. A smartly dressed woman entered with a bright smile. She turned her back to us and pressed the button for the sixth floor. I caught Michael staring at her butt and felt the need to slap his head off his shoulders.

I contained my anger until we reached the twelfth floor. He calmly exited the elevator and walked into his office like he owned the place. Technically he did own it, but you know what I mean. I also entered the office and sat down at my exceptionally smaller desk. His desk was to the right of mine, in the middle of the room near the floor-to-ceiling wall of glass. His view of the city was breathtaking. I spent a few minutes just gazing at anything and everything from my desk. I finally looked over to him. He was answering emails and his brows were slightly furrowed. A question was nagging at my brain. "Can I ask you something?" I asked and kept my eyes on him, searching for signs of irritation at my intrusion.

"I bet you'll ask even if I say no." he said keeping his eyes on his laptop screen and typing on his keyboard with steady fingers. "That's true." I said with a toothy grin. His lip twitched as he fought not to smile. I felt weirdly satisfied. "What is your question?" he asked and glanced at me. "Right. I was wondering why you don't go to public gatherings, like fundraisers?" I asked and watched as his eyebrow rose a little. "I do attend all gatherings, just not in person." He said and continued typing on his keyboard. "Technically that doesn't count. If you're not there, you're not attending." I said.

He stopped typing and turned to me instead. "I get a decoy to wear glasses with a tiny camera installed. When I want to donate money, I would talk to him through the earpiece that he would be wearing. I tell him what to say and do." He said looking satisfied with his answer. "So he's like your little puppet?" I asked looking at him with a mix of disgust and disbelief. I knew he had money, but I didn't know that he was spending it on bribing people into doing his dirty work. He frowned when he looked over and saw the reaction that he didn't want. "No, he does this out of his own free will. I do it for safety reasons." He made it worse with every word that he spoke.

"So you're just putting his life in danger instead of your own?" I tested the waters. "Yes." He said and paused, probably thinking about what he just said. "No." he said after the pause. "So which is it, yes or no?" I asked and furrowed my brows at him. He sighed and lowered his gaze before letting his intense eyes meet mine again. "No." he said and turned his gaze back to his unread emails. This was not going in the direction I intended it to go. I looked down at my desk to collect my thoughts before looking over to him again. "Why do you need a decoy?" I asked. He turned his gaze to me and sighed. "I'm a very wealthy man. People will kill me to get to my money." He said suddenly looking a bit more tired than a few moments ago.

"How would killing you ensure that they get your money?" I asked a bit confused. "My money will be divided amongst my staff because I am unmarried." He said and continued to stare at me. "Oh, then why haven't you married anyone yet?" I wanted to pull that question back into my mouth as soon as I spoke it. He shrugged, keeping his eyes locked with mine. "I guess I just haven't found anyone worthwhile." He said with his eyes starting to darken. "Well then, I am going to escort you to all events from here on out. We need to find you a wife as soon as possible." I said and turned to my own laptop to start working on the load Michael had dumped on me in the car.

I helped him sort through his emails and letters. Yes, people actually still write letters. He went to all his meetings and by lunchtime, he looked exhausted. I called Trevor to let him know that I was taking Mr. Wulf out for lunch and that he should have the car ready in front of the office. After Michael's last meeting for the morning, I dragged him to the elevator and then I had to drag him to the car. He was very passionate about his work. The drive was short and I could see Michael close his eyes out of the corner of my eye. I silently told Trevor to head to the penthouse and he obliged.

As soon as the car came to a stop in the garage of the penthouse, I turned to Michael. He was asleep with his brows adorably furrowed. His plump lips were slightly pouted and looked extremely kissable. I hated doing this, but I didn't want him to sleep uncomfortably in the back seat of his car. I gently patted his shoulder and softly called out his name. He stirred slightly and then he opened his gorgeous brown eyes and looked at my sleepily. It was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. He looked around confused and then he turned his gaze back to me. "What are we doing home?" he asked groggily and looked at Trevor with accusing eyes. "I think it's time you get some proper sleep. You can't work effectively if you're about to pass out from exhaustion. Also, it was me who told Trevor to bring us here. It's not his fault." I said and grabbed his chin, turning his scalding gaze away from Trevor and onto me.

His gaze softened as soon as his eyes locked with mine. "I have too much work that needs to be done." He said stubbornly and shifted his gaze over to Trevor. "I already moved all your meetings for today and I converted the office line to my phone. Just get some rest and I will do the rest. Hey, that sounded funny." I smiled at my choice of words. He looked at me for a moment and I thought I saw a little pride in his eyes before he nodded and got out of the car. I followed him to the elevator and we waited in a comfortable silence. Once we got to his apartment, I made him a cup of sweet tea and ushered him into his room.

His room was an exact replica of the one we had in the interview. I followed him to his bed and placed the tea on his nightstand. I tucked him in and closed his curtains. "Thank you." He said sleepily from the bed. "You're welcome." I said and lightly kissed his forehead. I left his room and closed the door softly behind me. He shouldn't have overworked himself so much. I started to explore the penthouse and learned that he had an office next to his room. That was where I spent most of my day.

When the sun started to throw orange rays through the window, I called it a day. I went downstairs and met our maid and cook, Sarah. She was in her early sixties and cooked up an amazing dish of steak and chips. I sat with her while she cooked. I sipped from a glass of wine while we got to know each other. She was like the mother I never had. The aroma of food must have woken Michael up because he soon joined us in the kitchen. "Bye, dear. You take care of him now." Sarah said as she collected her purse and made her way to the elevator. "Bye! See you tomorrow." I called out after her with a smile gracing my face. Now it was just me and Michael. Sarah lit a few candles before she left and switched the lights off, creating a romantic vibe. I carried our food to the already set table and watched as he sat down across from me.

I watched as he poured himself a glass of wine. He set the bottle down in the ice bucket next to the tiny vase of red roses. His eyes momentarily locked with mine before he looked down at his food. He closed his eyes and said grace before we dug into our food. "So, how was your first day?" he asked, his voice still tainted with sleep. "It was fine, thanks." I smiled and took a bite of my tender steak. My mouth watered at just the sight of it. "How do you feel?" I asked and looked at him. He smiled lazily before taking a sip of his wine. "Good. I really needed that, thank you." He said sincerely. I smiled and we finished our food with casual small talk.

After dinner, we sat and watched the stars from his living room couch. His face lit up with a smile as he turned to me with an idea. "Would you like to go for a swim?" he asked and his eyes darkened as he looked at me. "I didn't even know you had a pool." I said smiling with excitement. "Let me show you." He said and held his hand out for me to take.

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