Chapter 15

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The world was too bright. I could barely breathe properly and the light shining on my closed eyelids only made me feel worse. I groaned and turned to cuddle into the warm pillow beside me. The light vanished from my eyes and my pillow vibrated with soft laughter. Wait, what? I slowly peeked open my eyes to see a pair of brown eyes staring back at me. My pillow has eyes? "No, I am not a pillow." Harry said with an amused smile dancing across his face. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked and covered my eyes with my arm while releasing another groan. My head felt like it was split open and pieces of my brains were hanging out. My eyes burned at the sight of the slightest light and every time Harry moved it felt like I was going to empty my stomach on the bed.

He looked down at me for a few more moments before sighing. "I have to get up now." He said and looked at my arm that tightened around him. I snuggled my face into his side and sighed in content. He chuckled softly and stroked my hair. "You have to get up now too or else you'll be late for work." He said while still stroking my hair. A jolt went through my body at the mention of being late for work. I sat up too quickly and the world spinned a little. I immediately lie back down and let yet another groan pass my lips. Harry found this extremely amusing and chuckled while scooting to the edge of the bed. He got up and I couldn't help but notice that he wasn't wearing a shirt. "You're drooling." He said and I realize that he caught me staring. I blush lightly and shrug.

"Did you sleep here, with me?" I asked and felt my blush getting darker as my cheeks burned. He looked at me with those intense brown eyes of his and my breath caught. He hummed in confirmation and the butterflies erupted in my stomach. They were not helping my hangover. "Oh." Was the only response to make it out of my mouth. He seemed amused about this too. "I'll be right back, stay right here." He said and disappeared out the door. I stared at the ceiling and willed my headache to go away. I turned to the alarm clock next to the bed and groaned at the time. 06h05. I only had 55 minutes to get ready and get to the office. I was sure Michael would not appreciate me being late.

Before long, Harry walked into the room with a tray and a bag dangling from his arm. The tray was filled with a meaty breakfast and a glass of fresh orange juice. Two pills accompanied the glass of juice. The whole time while eating my breakfast, I eyed the bag. "What's in the bag?" I finally asked and Harry smiled knowingly. "Curious one, aren't you?" he asked and the smile on his face widened into a smirk. "You know I am, so please tell me." I pleaded. "Just some clothes that you could wear to work. I had Sam pick them out for you." He said and watched as I bit into a piece of toast. "Who is Sam?" I asked with my mouth full of toast. He frowned at my mouth full of food before replying, "He's my driver." I nodded my head and swallowed before trying to talk again. "Thank you. You really didn't have to buy me clothes." I said and looked at the professional-looking clothes guiltily. "Anything for my princess." He said and got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked and he turned to look at me. "I also have to get ready for work. You should get a move on if you want to make it to the office on time." With that, he left and closed the door behind him. I smiled and looked at the clothes again. I was sort of excited to wear them and see Michael's reaction. I shouldn't be thinking like that. I got up and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. My headache was already subsiding and I felt a lot better than a few minutes ago. I got dressed and put my hair up in a bun. Today was going to be my day. I quickly made the bed and opened the curtains. I thought about the fact that Harry and I shared a bed last night. The butterflies went crazy when my mind drifted to images of us cuddling.

After clearing my mind, I made my way downstairs to find Harry. He was getting up from his seat at the kitchen island where I presume he just had breakfast. He smiled brightly when he saw me and I noticed a piece of bacon stuck in his teeth. Just kidding, he had nothing stuck in his teeth. He just looked amazing in a black suit. It amazed me how much he looked like Michael. "Are you ready to go?" I asked and pointed at the front door behind me to the right. He nodded and walked over to me, placing his hand on the small of my back and guiding me to the door. I followed him to his black Lamborghini and frowned when he opened the passenger-side door for me. "Isn't Sam going to drive us?" I asked perplexed. He shook his head and walked to the driver's side. "No, I'll be driving you to work today." He said and put the key in the ignition.

The drive to work was pleasant. He kept a steady stream of conversation going and he asked me all sorts of questions about myself. I sneaked a few questions about him into the conversation and learned a few new things about him. Before long, we stopped in front of the office building. "Do you want me to come up with you?" he asked while looking at the top of the building through his windshield. "No, I can do this. Thanks for the ride." I said and also glanced at the top of the building in anticipation. "No problem. Can I pick you up after work? We can go for drinks." He said when I opened my door. "Sure, that sounds wonderful." I said and got out of his car, sending a little wave before closing the door. I turned around to eye the building one last time before deciding to face the music.

I slowly made my way into the building to see the familiar receptionist typing away at her keyboard. When she heard my shoes on the marble floors, she lifted her head and smiled at me. "Good morning, Miss Smith." She said before turning her gaze back to her computer screen. "Good morning." I said and walked over to the elevator. I waited patiently for the elevator to come down from one of the top floors and got in. I was alone in the elevator and the more floors I passed, the more anxious I got. I was dreading the moment I would have to speak to him. I was afraid that he might still be mad at me. He had to keep it professional though, right? I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as the elevator doors slowly slid open.

I didn't know if I should knock or just barge into his office. I decided on the former and heard his deep voice confirm my entrance. I slowly pushed the door open and nearly choked on my spit. I was dreading seeing Michael, but I was not ready to see Michael and Emma. She was seated on a sofa to the left of his desk. They seemed happy like they weren't fighting at all. I sucked in a breath and watched as her eyes shifted from Michael to me. I regretted not taking Harry up on his offer. 

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