Chapter 19

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The week has been rough, but I made it to the weekend in one piece. The only thing keeping me sane was having dinner with Harry every night. Michael had me working overtime every day and I was exhausted. I was excited to let a little steam off at Emma's hen party. Harry organized Michael's bachelor's party and I'm one hundred percent sure that they were going to have a load of fun. Fernando helped me and Emma get ready. The theme was poker face. Emma dressed as the queen of hearts and I was the king of spades. Will chose to be the Joker. I didn't really know Emma's friends so I didn't know what to expect.

We piled into a white limo and the driver took us in the direction of the club. We were meeting everybody there. Emma was practically bouncing in her seat with excitement. We had a glass of champagne before exiting the limo. People with cameras were being held back by security as they tried to snap photos of us. Some reporters were screaming questions at us and I felt a little surprised that they even knew to be here. The music in the club was loud enough to make the door vibrate on its hinges. Burly security men pulled the double doors open for us and we continued forward. The shouts from the paparazzi faded to be replaced by the pounding music from inside the club.

Lights were flashing and the club was set up to look like a casino. Every partygoer got the memo to dress up tonight. All the people had costumes that fit in with the theme and were moving to the beat of the loud music. I was amazed at how large the place was. The DJ had an angry pumpkin mask that fit on his head like a helmet and an LED suit that constantly changed colors. A woman approached us and draped an LED Bride-to-be sash over Emma. She smiled brightly at the woman and gave her a tight hug. "Brit, this is Jane. She's going to be my maid of honor." Emma gushed and I swear I could see a fire of hatred start up in Brit's eyes at the mention of me being maid of honor. "So nice to meet you." She said giving me a dirty look and turning to grab Emma's arm. I guess that's where Emma got the habit of grabbing people's arms.

I shrugged and walked over to the bar. I got four shots and two cocktails. I went over to where Brit was trying to keep Emma seated. I handed two shots to Emma and downed the other two. We sipped on our drinks after that. "Thanks, Jane. What would I do without you?" she said with a slight slur. Was she drunk already? I guess she's a lightweight. I giggled and shot Brit a look that said: Beat that. She rolled her eyes angrily before stomping to the dance floor. I felt victorious and childish at the same time. I shrugged and took Emma's arm and dragged her to the dance floor. We danced around each other and continued to sip on our drinks. I could feel a light buzz starting in my head which was odd; because I was sure I could handle a few drinks before getting tipsy.

Will joined us with another round of shots and drinks. I tried to politely decline, but he was having none of that. He handed me the drinks and I obliged. I threw back the shot at the same time as Emma and had to shake my head a little to clear the dizziness. I frowned at this. I think people were doctoring my drinks. I went to the restroom and locked myself in one of the stalls. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Harry's number. He answered on the second ring. "Jane? What's wrong?" he asked immediately. "I think someone doctored my drinks." I slurred and hoped deep in my heart that he could understand me. "I'm on my way. Where are you right now?" he asked and I heard a little worry in his voice. "The toilet." I said and giggled at the word 'toilet'. I heard him curse under his breath and then the rev of an engine.

I wanted to tell him not to worry, but I kept silent as the restroom door opened with a bang. My heart skipped a beat and I held my breath. Harry must have heard the bang because he was screaming into the phone. I could hear him yell for me to answer him, but I was frozen in fear. I couldn't get my breath out, let alone a sound. He was yelling so loud that I feared the other person would hear him, so I ended the call. I heard the person walking past each stall, opening the doors. They pushed against my door and felt that it was locked. I put my hand over my mouth to silence the scream that was crawling up my throat. I was shivering uncontrollably as they stepped back.

I waited in anticipation as silence filled the restroom. I let the scream slip out of my mouth as the person kicked the door open with a loud crash. The music in the club was too loud for anyone to hear me and tears started to run down my cheeks. The person was wearing a Joker mascot suit that scared the living hell out of me. The Joker moved towards me and I tried kicking him. I could hear grunts and felt like I actually stood a chance of getting out of this. The Joker took a cloth from his pocket and started to press against my legs to get closer to me. After noticing that my legs held him back, he took a small clip knife from his pocket and dragged the blade over my leg. I let out a scream and pulled my legs away from that psycho.

That was all he needed. He grabbed my hair and held my head steady while he pressed the cloth to my face. I struggled against him with all that I had in me. I kicked out in all directions and heard a crack as I kicked a hole in one of the stall's walls. I was proud to say that I also landed a few kicks and punches on the Joker before darkness swallowed me.

Harry's POV

She hung up the phone after a loud bang. To say that I was scared would be an understatement. I should have never let her go to that hen party alone. I should have at least sent Sam with her. It was incredibly stupid of me not to send bodyguards with her. Sam was racing to the Lunar, but it felt like we were barely moving. It felt like she was so far away when in reality it was only a thirty-minute drive. We skidded to a stop and Sam rushed to get my door open, but I couldn't wait for him. I threw my door open and rushed into the club with Sam on my heels. The security didn't even hesitate to throw the doors open when I approached.

The music was pulsing loudly inside the club. People were dancing and grinding on each other. I spotted Emma on the dance floor with a girl I didn't recognize. Will was moving through the crowd with a tray full of shots. He handed each girl a shot and downed one himself. Jane was nowhere to be seen. I pushed my way through the crowd to the ladies' restroom and barged in without a second thought. One of the stalls caught my attention and I briskly walked over to it. The door was kicked off its hinges and there seemed to be a struggle in the cubicle. I was both proud and scared out of my mind. They took her. Whoever was after her, they got to her.

I wanted to cry and punch something, but I had to stay rational if I was going to find her. Sam called our personal detectives and had the security block the restroom from partygoers. I called my brother to let him know what happened and he immediately replied that he was on his way. I went back to the stall where my princess was a few minutes ago and saw her phone behind the toilet. The screen was cracked as if someone had stepped on it. I checked to see if her work phone was anywhere in the stall, but I didn't find anything else. I hoped with every fiber of my being that she was okay and that I would find her soon.

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