Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

Do you believe in love at first sight? When I first saw her in that elevator, I knew that she was the one for me. Her beauty caught me by surprise and her blue eyes captivated me. She was truly perfect. Jane Smith. I sighed and looked out the window at the trees blurring as we raced past my property. I needed to see my brother. I have never seen him so angry before in my life and he has never been so rude to a woman. He truly surprised me last night and I had to see if he was doing alright.

My mind drifted back to last night. Jane felt as light as a feather when I carried her to her room. Her skin was so soft and her pouted lips looked incredibly tempting. Her hair had come out of the sophisticated bun and flowed down her shoulders in soft blonde waves. I rubbed my forehead between my eyes to try and get my mind back on track. I could already feel the beginning of a headache. I sighed and looked down at my phone. Should I call home and hear if Jane has woken up? No, I should give her a little space to process what happened last night. Maybe she's waiting for me to call. I hovered over my home number for a moment before closing it and opening my emails instead. I needed to get some work done.

We drove for half an hour before the driver slowly pulled the car to a stop next to my brother's half of the business. The building was tall and looked a little intimidating. I was going to try and talk my brother down so that Jane could keep her job. The receptionist flirtatiously smiled at me and sent me a little wave. I only nodded my head in her direction, keeping my eyes locked on the elevator doors, the place where I first met Jane. The doors were slowly closing, but there was no one to stop them for me this time. I reached forward and caught the doors just in time. I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for my brother's floor.

The elevator music was soft and made me calm down a little. I hope that Michael was in a better mood today. The elevator pinged when the doors opened and I took a breath before stepping out and walking to my brother's office door. The door was made of glass and I could see him typing away on his laptop. Leave it to Michael to work on Saturdays. I tapped on his door and he lifted his eyes to see who was at his door. He motioned with his hand for me to enter. I opened the door and walked to the chairs in front of his desk.

"Hey, brother." I said and waited for his reply so that I could gauge his mood. "Harry." He greeted while keeping his eyes on his laptop. He was in a foul mood, but I had to do this. "I am not here to waste your time, so let's get straight down to business." I said and he looked up from his laptop, folding his arms while waiting for me to continue. "What was that last night?" I asked and watched as his brows furrowed in irritation. "Were you planning on sleeping with her?" he asked and I was a little shocked to see jealousy in his eyes. "No, but even if I had it would be none of your business. You are engaged to marry Emma any other woman should have no significance to you." I said with anger seeping into my words. Emma was an amazing woman and she didn't deserve to be put second in her own relationship.

"Of course it would be my business! She's mine!" he yelled and I could feel the rage winning me over. "She's not yours, Emma is yours. Jane is your employee or have you forgotten that? She is not your fiancée." I said while trying to control my rage. He seemed to pause and let my words sink in before he rubbed his temples. "You're right. I can't do this to Emma, she deserves so much better. I'm sorry, Harry. Would you let Jane know that she still has her job and to show up for work on Monday?" he looked tired as he said that, almost defeated. I sighed and nodded my head. "Yeah, man. I'll tell her. I'm not the one you should be apologizing to though." After I said that, I left. I needed to see if Jane was alright.

The drive back home felt much longer and I couldn't wait to see her. She calms me down and makes me feel like there is more to life than just being rich. The trees flicked by the window and I could see a few birds soaring over the treetops. This is why I bought a house in the middle of the woods. I used to love nature as a boy, but now that I'm all grown up I never have the time to go out and enjoy all that nature has to offer. Maybe I should take Jane out for a picnic near the waterfalls. Or we could go hiking and swimming in the lake.

The driver slowed down as we reached the gate to my house. I waited for him to pull to a stop at the front door before jumping out and rushing into the house. I couldn't wait any longer to see her. I took the stairs two at a time and walked to her bedroom door. I knocked and opened the door when she didn't reply. The bed was made and the room held no sign that she had even been here. I walked down the stairs again and started searching the house for her. She wasn't in the house. Did she leave already? Did my meeting with Michael take too long? I was about to drive to Michael's penthouse when I heard a voice from outside.

I walked out the back door to see her sunbathing next to the pool. She was wearing a red bikini that looked like the one Emma forgot here when she and Michael last visited. She looked good in red and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was smiling at a servant who had brought her an ice-cold smoothie. I was stunned at her beauty and kindness. I was also happy that she made herself at home. I always felt that my place needed something and I guess that I found what was missing.

"Hi." I said when my brain started functioning again. She turned her gaze to me and smiled. My breath caught in my throat. Her eyes were even bluer next to the pool and she had a tiny dimple that was driving me absolutely insane. "Hey, when did you get back?" she asked and got up to stand right in front of me. "Just now." I said unable to form any longer sentences than that. "Oh, alright. Would you like to join me?" she asked with an excited smile while pointing at the water. "Sure, let me get changed." I said and made my way back inside. I let go of the breath and put my hand over my heart to get it to calm down. Did she even know what she was doing to me? I let out another breath and made my way upstairs to get changed.

When I got back to the pool, she was sunbathing again with her eyes closed. I smiled wickedly to myself and let out a battle cry while running and jumping into the pool near her. I was quite satisfied to hear her scream when I resurfaced. She had her mouth hanging open in shock. She turned her eyes to me and I could clearly see the revenge burning inside. My eyes widened as I turned to swim away. I didn't get very far before I felt pressure on my back. She jumped on me! I sucked in a breath before the water swallowed me. I liked the fact that she didn't complain about me getting her hair wet or ruining her chance of getting a nice tan or whatever most girls complained about. I liked that she was so playful. If she continued to be so perfect, I might lose my heart to her.   

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