Chapter 12

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The room was modernly decorated and very clean. He had it decorated in shades of black and grey. His bed stood to the right of the door with black and grey bedding. He had a black bookshelf full of books above his black desk. He had a simple lamp on the desk and a grey trashcan next to the desk. There were two black doors next to each other that must have been his closet and bathroom. "I like your room." I smiled over my shoulder at him. He smiled proudly and gestured for me to enter. I walked into his room and noticed a picture on his nightstand. I walked over to take a closer look.

Michael and Harry were standing next to each other in the picture. Harry had his arm slung over Michael's shoulders. They were both smiling. The background looked familiar. I squinted my eyes and saw a black zed-shaped couch. They were standing in the second escape room. I didn't know how to feel. I was just about to ask him when the door suddenly burst open. I didn't even realize that Harry had closed it. Now Michael stood in the doorway with red cheeks. He looked furious and he kind of scared me. Harry looked at him with confusion clouding his face. "What are you doing in here?" Harry asked and that's when everything went sideways.

"The correct question would be: What are you doing here, Jane?" he asked and pointed a finger at me. My blood turned to ice. "Me?" I asked dumbfounded. He only seemed to get angrier with my reply. "Are there any other Janes in here?" he asked and spread his arms apart in furious question. I frowned and looked at Harry. He looked flabbergasted and his lips hung open slightly. I looked back at Michael in disbelief. "What are you talking about? I'm here with my date. He was showing me around." I said feeling the need to defend myself. He laughed bitterly and rubbed at his temple. "Showing you his bed? Were you planning on sleeping with my brother? Are you really that desperate for money?"He asked incredulously.

"Michael, stop man. That was extremely rude and..." Harry was cut off when Michael yelled over him. "We kissed Harry! She kissed me in my pool at the penthouse yesterday." Michael said. Emma had just walked in when Michael said that and shock was evident on her face. She looked at me in disbelief. "Let's clear that up, Michael. You kissed me. In the escape room and again in the pool." I said and pleaded with my eyes that Emma would believe me. Michael had yet to notice her standing right behind him. She had tears streaming down her cheeks. "You truly are stupid, Jane. I wasn't the one who kissed you in the escape room. Harry did. I had meetings so he volunteered to do the interview for me." He said with a furious storm in his eyes.

I felt stupid. "You are not worth any of our time. You don't deserve my brother and you most certainly don't deserve me." He spat and turned in time to see Emma running out the door. "Now look what you've done!" he yelled and I felt the first tears start to fall. I couldn't let them see me cry. I rushed past Michael and down the stairs. I could hear Harry calling my name as he tried to catch up to me. I had to get out of here. I ran in the direction of the kitchen because kitchens usually had back doors right? I was glad that their kitchen had a back door. I ran for the tree line in their backyard. Who had a forest in their backyard? I could hear Harry calling me from the kitchen and risked a glance before disappearing into the thick forest. He looked so guilty and worried. I almost felt bad for him.

I ran until I couldn't see the light from the house anymore. My feet were aching and my lungs couldn't seem to get enough air. I sat down on a log and caught my breath. When I could breathe again, I cried my eyes out. How could he be so cruel? How could Michael let those words leave his mouth? Was he jealous that Harry found me worthwhile? Maybe I should just take my salary and quit. No wonder he was looking for a new personal assistant. The man was a self-absorbed jerk. When I finally let all my tears and anger out, I got up to head back to the house. There was a problem facing me when I turned around. I couldn't see the light from the house and I couldn't remember which direction I came from. I turned in a slow circle and tried to look for a sign of light, but darkness met me at each corner.

I'm not going to lie, I panicked. I started screaming Harry's name until my voice gave out. I cried until my head felt too heavy for my neck to support. My eyes burned with the fatigue that followed after crying my eyes out. I laid down on the ground and rested my head on the log. The trees hid the night sky and I couldn't even look at the stars for company in this tough time. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up when my body registered that we were moving. I slowly cracked open my eyes and looked up to see who was carrying me. Harry was focused on the path ahead and he hadn't noticed that I had woken up yet. I felt like crying all over again. He didn't look angry and I was relieved.

He finally looked down at me and he looked relieved that I had woken up. "Are you okay?" he asked with his brows furrowed in worry. "I'm fine, thanks." I said with a small smile on my face. He didn't look convinced. "I'm just tired." I said and looked ahead where light was starting to peek through the trees. I felt him nod his head and turned my gaze back to him. "You know I can walk, right?" I said and he frowned down at me. "I know, I just don't care right now." He said and tightened his grip on me. We finally emerged from the tree line and the light from the house hurt my eyes a little. "Thank you for finding me." I said, peeking at him from under my lashes. He paused and looked down at me. "I will always find you." He said seriously and started walking again. My heart fluttered in my chest at his serious words.

He finally set me down when we entered the house through the back door. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before taking my hand and gently pulling me through the house and out the front door. When we stopped outside, I looked at him questioningly. He shared a look with the valet before turning to face me. "You'll be staying at my place tonight." He said as the valet brought his car around. He drove a midnight-black Lamborghini. I wanted to admire the car, but I was just not materialistic enough. I took a sip of the water before Harry opened the passenger side door and gestured for me to get in. I softly thanked him as I sat down in the surprisingly comfortable seat. He smiled and closed the door before moving around the car and getting in the seat next to me.

"Are you okay about staying with me? I'll talk to Michael tomorrow and sort everything out." He said and waited before starting the car. I didn't want to see Michael right now, so I nodded my head and turned my gaze to stare out the window. Harry started the car and we drove in a comfortable silence. I watched the trees flick by the window like the end of an old movie clip where the last pieces of the film would flick across the screen. It was so serene and I felt peaceful. My eyes would close every now and again, but I fought to stay awake. I wanted to see where we were going. I was curious to see what Harry's place looked like, but I was also terribly tired. My eyelids finally won the war and I drifted into the blissful darkness that sleep provided.

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