Chapter 23

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Emma got a French manicure and pedicure which looked absolutely amazing. The other two girls got matching red acrylic on both their fingers- and toenails, while I got red acrylic with black thorns clinging to the sides of my ring fingernails. My toes had the same effect going on, but the designs were on my big toes' nails. Emma kept up the small talk, but I would catch her looking at me with a look that said, "We're going to talk about the heavy stuff later." Whenever I caught that look I would sigh and remind myself that it would be good for me to actually tell someone what I've been through.

When all the girls were done with their nails, we drove to the airport. Trevor opened the limo's door and we all piled out. I was a little flabbergasted at the sight of Michael's private jet. I turned to look at Emma only to find her watching me with a smirk. "Don't worry, the guys took Harry's jet. Harry had Grace pack your bags." She winked and walked to the plane like she owned it. After the weekend she would own it. Trevor struggled with our luggage and each girl grabbed their gift bag. We made our way onto the plane, Trevor awkwardly carrying me, and the interior was so luxurious that I felt a little out of place. Emma sat down and enthusiastically started to pat the seat next to her while shooting an excited grin my way.

I couldn't help but smile back while Trevor walked over and gently placed me in the seat next to her. She let me have the window seat on the left, while the other girls took the seats to the right. The captain introduced himself as Carl before telling us to put our seatbelts on. He also mentioned a light thunderstorm and some turbulence. We put our seatbelts on and smiled when we felt the jolt of the plane as it moved forward and towards the runway. The other girls dug sleeping masks and neck pillows from underneath their seats and got ready for some beauty sleep. Emma waited until their breathing evened out before grilling me with questions. I told her in great detail what happened, starting at the club. She watched me with big eyes as she pulled the small bottle of champagne out of my gift bag. She silently popped the top off and started pouring each of us a glass.

"I'm so sorry, Jane." She said when I finished telling her everything. "You don't need to apologize. You had nothing to do with any of it." I said and gently squeezed her hand before looking at the clouds outside. "I need to get my beauty sleep if I want to knock Michael's socks off tomorrow. I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow." She said as she smiled excitedly. "Do you think Anna felt the same way you did just before marrying Christian Grey?" I joked and she nearly choked on her champagne as she let short snorts of laughter escape her. "I don't believe Christian Grey was as rich as Michael and Harry." She said with a toothy grin. I just nodded in agreement as I smiled out the window.

Emma fell asleep shortly after our conversation and I was left to my own thoughts. I could hear Dana's laugh from the staff section of the jet. Trevor must've been quite funny since it was just the two of them in the staff section. I smiled and started to feel sleep crawling over me while I watched the grey clouds rolling by my window.

I was back in the forest. The snow was crashing down in thick white sheets while I walked in between the thick trunks of intimidating tall trees. I noticed draping that was strung from tree to tree and decided to follow it. The wind picked up and the draping started to twist and tear loose from the trees. I started running so that I could catch it. I kept my eyes on the white draping as it floated in the wind above the trees.

The draping suddenly twisted and dropped to the ground. I pushed through snow-covered bushes and stumbled into a clearing. The draping was stretched out at the feet of Sandy. She had a gash on her head with fresh stitches. She stood frozen with hate in her eyes as she kept her gaze locked on me. She pulled a kitchen knife from behind her back and smiled wickedly at me. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and feel my breathing quicken. I turned around to run but was stopped when I saw a brown door right in front of me. I turned to see if Sandy was following me, but she was gone and so was the snowy forest.

I looked around the familiar escape room where I met Harry. He was seated on a chair, looking at me. "Well? Are you going to take a seat?" he asked while gesturing to the seat next to him. All the other applicants were mingling, including Sandy and Will. They looked nervous for the interview. We started on the escape rooms and soon we were back in the maze. We got to the golden door and saw Will and Sandy entering. My heart dropped as I yelled for them to stop. I needed this job. Sandy smiled wickedly as she slowly pushed the door closed. Harry turned to frown at me. "What the hell, Jane? I thought you said that we would win this thing." He said angrily and my heart dropped. He has never been mad at me before.

"Harry I can...Aahh!" I screamed as the floor gave way underneath me. His face flashed the shock he felt before he started running towards me with his hand held out for me to grab, but it was too late. His fingers brushed mine as I fell backward. I dropped through all twelve floors and braced myself for the excruciating death that awaited me. "I love you, Harry." I whispered and closed my eyes. I hit the ground and drifted into darkness for a second.

I gasped for breath as my eyes flew open and I sat up in my seat. Next to me the other girls were still sound asleep. I got my phone out of my gift bag and sent Dana a text to please bring me some water. After a few seconds, she emerged from the staff section with a glass of ice-cold water. I thanked her and took the glass with my palms since my fingers were still a little swollen. I gulped the water down and continued to watch the clouds outside. Lightning flashed in the distance and danced through the clouds beneath the jet. I could only just make out the sound of thunder rolling in a few seconds later. I kept watching the clouds and drifted into a dreamless slumber.

I woke up when the yet jolted and looked around. The girls were up and getting ready. "We're finally here." Emma sighed and got up when the plane came to a stop. I looked out the window in shock and saw a section of the airport. A black limo awaited us just outside the jet. Trevor emerged with Dana from the staff section and lifted me into his arms. He carried me outside and I reveled in the fresh air of a foreign country. "Let's go, guys! We need to start getting ready for the wedding of the century!" Emma screamed out in excitement as she got into the limo.

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